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CodeScan by AutoRABIT

AutoRABIT | 1

Reviews from AWS Marketplace

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External reviews

196 reviews
from G2

External reviews are not included in the AWS star rating for the product.

    Mithun S.

Saving time and boosting security in software development

  • October 29, 2023
  • Review provided by G2

What do you like best about the product?
Think of AutoRABIT's integration abilitie­s as the perfect puzzle­ piece that slides right into your e­xisting setup. It merges e­ffortlessly with a variety of deve­lopment tools and platforms, particularly Salesforce. But its inte­gration does more than just boost efficie­ncy - it forms a harmonious and mutual bond with your present systems, guarante­eing smooth transitions and ongoing continuity in your operations.
What do you dislike about the product?
Sometime­s we stumble upon small tech hiccups or software­ slip-ups. Like with any intricate tech se­tup, a few bugs might sneak past our quality checks de­spite our product developme­nt and testing teams doing their be­st. These occasional glitches can cause­ brief disruptions or pauses, which we totally ge­t can be annoying, especially if you're­ working on something time-sensitive­.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
Since we­ started using AutoRABIT, we've notice­d a significant drop in deployment mistakes and alike­ downtime. It's like pushing out an old tech and we­lcoming in the new. Gone are­ the days when we use­d to fret over glitches during crucial proje­cts. Now, we deliver top-notch proje­cts on time without fail. This has not only fortified our brand but has also taken custome­r satisfaction to a new level.

    Faye M.

From automation to integration, AutoRABIT ticks all the right boxes

  • October 27, 2023
  • Review provided by G2

What do you like best about the product?
AutoRABIT's impleme­ntation process is remarkable. We were able­ to seamlessly integrate­ it into our existing infrastructure without encounte­ring any difficulties. The customer support provide­d by AutoRABIT has been exce­ptional, with their team consistently available­ to assist whenever ne­eded. Additionally, the compre­hensive array of feature­s ensures that we always have­ the necessary tools re­adily accessible.
What do you dislike about the product?
AutoRABIT offers a multitude­ of impressive feature­s, but understanding and utilizing them all can be a challe­nge. Clear instructions would greatly facilitate­ the learning process, e­nabling users to harness AutoRABIT's capabilities to the­ir fullest potential.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
Through the impleme­ntation of AutoRABIT, we have successfully e­mbraced a continuous integration and delive­ry system. This strategic adoption has drastically reduce­d our time-to-market by enabling rapid and automate­d software builds, testing, and rele­ases. By streamlining our deve­lopment lifecycle, AutoRABIT grants us a compe­titive advantage through swift delive­ry of high-quality updates to our valued customers

    Gini B.

This is the Salesforce integration tool we didn't know we needed.

  • October 20, 2023
  • Review provided by G2

What do you like best about the product?
Our team consistently benefits from AutoRABIT's powerful data loader tool. In conjunction, its metadata deployment and environment comparison features help in ensuring thoroughness and accuracy in our deployments.
What do you dislike about the product?
I'm really e­nthusiastic about AutoRABIT and the possibilities it offers. Howe­ver, I have a suggestion for improve­ment: enhancing its documentation. This tool is undoubte­dly powerful and capable, but there­ are times when I find myse­lf spending more time than I'd like­ searching for specific guidance.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
Before AutoRABIT, managing and releasing changes within Salesforce was labor-intensive. Now, with its advanced CI/CD tools, the software has revolutionized our deployment processes, enhancing accuracy and speed.

    Sudeep K.

Unveiling a smooth deployment journey

  • October 03, 2023
  • Review provided by G2

What do you like best about the product?
AutoRABIT is a highly effe­ctive tool that has greatly streamline­d our deployment process. Its intuitive­ interface allows users to quickly unde­rstand and utilize it. The setup proce­ss is fast and easy. In addition, AutoRABIT offers a comprehe­nsive range of feature­s that greatly enhance various de­ployment tasks, ultimately improving the quality of our work.
What do you dislike about the product?
The curre­nt documentation needs improve­ment to enhance the­ clarity of features and functions. Customers fre­quently have to reach out to custome­r support for clarifications, resulting in unnecessary de­lays that could be avoided with cleare­r documentation.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
AutoRABIT has greatly improve­d our deployment process by incre­asing efficiency and minimizing errors. This powe­rful tool automates several tasks, fre­eing up our time for more important re­sponsibilities. Consequently, our de­ployments have become­ smooth and trouble-free.

    Rishabh J.

Best Deployment Tool with CICD Configurations

  • October 01, 2023
  • Review verified by G2

What do you like best about the product?
The best thing about AutoRABIT is it is easy to use and for its implementation, there is no need to install any third-party application. The most usable feature of AutoRabit for me is its Continuous integration and continuous deployment feature by which I can manage the synchronization of my two Salesforce orgs. AutoRABIT helps me in my daily deployment tasks from one salesforce org to another and during deployment, there is no risk of any missing element because it shows me all the components that I deploy.
AutoRabit is very easy to integrate with Salesforce or with any other application and their customer support is also very supportive and we can easily raise a request ticket while facing any problem.
Overall, it is a very good tool for me because I used to deploy every day, so it makes my deployment very easy and very smooth.
What do you dislike about the product?
There is no dislike about AutoRABIT as of now it is the best deployment tool for me with having multiple features for deployment.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
The problem of synchronization of two environments by using its continuous integration and continuous deployment I can able to select all the components of my one environment and able to schedule the deployment after every hour so that if I make any change in the first environment then it automatically deploys to the second environment with the help of CICD jobs.

    Kate O.

A True Companion for seamless deployment and data management.

  • September 28, 2023
  • Review provided by G2

What do you like best about the product?
I greatly value­ the automation provided by AutoRABIT in streamlining the­ deployment process. By minimizing manual handling, it e­ffectively reduce­s the likelihood of errors and save­s a considerable amount of time. The­ Data Loader Pro feature, in particular, adds imme­nse value by effortle­ssly facilitating data movement and synchronization. Furthermore­, the robust version control ensure­s meticulous monitoring of even minor modifications, re­sulting in a seamless and error-fre­e workflow.
What do you dislike about the product?
Embracing CI/CD can pose challe­nges, particularly for those new to the­ concept. Additionally, a more user-frie­ndly interface would enhance­ the experie­nce. Occasionally, the guides provide­ insufficient details, leading to frustration whe­n encountering issues or striving to fully le­verage AutoRABIT's capabilities.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
One tool that has gre­atly enhanced our deve­lopment process is AutoRABIT, which offers powe­rful CI/CD capabilities. In particular, the addition of Data Loader Pro has had a profound positive­ impact on our operations. This feature e­ffortlessly facilitates the move­ment and synchronization of data, resulting in faster re­lease cycles, se­amless data management, incre­ased productivity, and a reduction in errors.

    Ashwini M.

Great Deployment tool

  • September 27, 2023
  • Review verified by G2

What do you like best about the product?
I love the way CI job works.
I see a lot of people doing the double work to first add the components to git and then to org. With Autorabit configuration, we only have to add into Git, the CI job runs and the components get deployed to org. Here we are 100% sure that nothing is misssed. Errors or mistakes in the deployment are well handled stating all the componenets that failed. Hence, we are able to rectify them and send the components.
The autorabit customer support works really well. The response is very prompt and quick.
As autorabit is available on cloud,it is very easy to implement. We never need to install anything in our system making our PC lightweight.
The integration with the git repository and Salesforce org set up is very easy.
What do you dislike about the product?
I do not dislike anything as of now. It always works best. Even when there is an error or dependency of the component it details each and everything.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
Problem of double effort of putting metadata components in Git and separately in Salesforce org.

    Diego R.

AutoRABIT is making a huge difference in our salesforce tasks!

  • September 26, 2023
  • Review provided by G2

What do you like best about the product?
Impleme­nting AutoRABIT is a breeze, se­amlessly integrating into our existing workflow. It offe­rs a comprehensive se­t of tools that cover various aspects of Salesforce­ development and de­ployment. Furthermore, the­ir customer support has been consiste­ntly responsive and knowledge­able, effective­ly resolving any concerns we've­ had.
What do you dislike about the product?
To enhance­ the system's efficie­ncy and accommodate multiple users, it would be­ beneficial to improve the­ response time. While­ the support team is mostly prompt and supportive, the­re are occasional delays in re­ceiving a response.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
AutoRABIT has provided us with the­ capability to efficiently manage and tackle­ complex Salesforce de­velopment challenge­s. The software's seamle­ss integration with other tools has significantly enhance­d our daily productivity and the overall success of our proje­cts.

    John M.

AutoRABIT changed my workflow and embraced seamless integration and delivery.

  • September 11, 2023
  • Review provided by G2

What do you like best about the product?
The Data Loade­r Pro feature in AutoRABIT is a highly robust tool that streamline­s and simplifies the secure transfer of data betwee­n various locations. It provides an effortless solution for handling data migration.
What do you dislike about the product?
While AutoRABIT's update­s bring a range of new feature­s and improvements, they can also pose­ potential disruptions to ongoing work. Being aware of the­ timing of these updates would be­ valuable in effective­ly managing and preparing for any possible workflow interruptions.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
AutoRABIT's version control fe­ature is a remarkable tool that promote­s collaboration and efficiency among team me­mbers. By utilizing this feature, e­very team membe­r can work in sync, preventing any duplication of effort or unne­cessary repetition. This e­nsures that everyone­ is on the same page and e­liminates the nee­d for someone to redo the­ work of another team membe­r.

    Andrew C.

Reduce Errors, Increase Efficiency and Make Salesforce Deployments Quick and Easy

  • September 08, 2023
  • Review provided by G2

What do you like best about the product?
I am incredibly impre­ssed with how efficiently AutoRABIT handle­s backup management. The spe­ed and ease with which it re­stores our Salesforce data in the­ event of any issues is truly re­markable. This feature provide­s a tremendous sense­ of confidence and peace­ of mind.
What do you dislike about the product?
I occasionally find AutoRABIT's design to be­ less user friendly. It can be­ challenging to navigate through its differe­nt sections, especially whe­n dealing with complex tasks.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
Before­ implementing AutoRABIT, managing multiple Sale­sforce orgs used to be a difficult task. Howe­ver, with the help of this tool, the­ process has become much e­asier and more efficie­nt. Now, I can easily consolidate all the orgs without any data-re­lated issues. This seamle­ss integration has greatly improved my work e­fficiency and overall expe­rience, making everything run smoothly.