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External reviews

34 reviews
from G2

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    Germano P.

Adequate tool for network monitoring, hardware, and the security of a host or a guest

  • November 27, 2019
  • Review verified by G2

What do you like best about the product?
There are many tools, much more stable and well-known, but what favors netdata in every way is the installation speed, the responsiveness of the dashboard, and the ease with which it is easy to monitor many parameters at extreme levels of depth and detail with the possibility of "playing" around with widgets, customized dashboards, and various alerting systems all within a truly "plug and play" tool.
What do you dislike about the product?
It does not contain utilities or a system capable of keeping the software constantly updated, so it is necessary to frequently visit the developer's site, download and manually install updates.
Additionally, security is not its strong point as the login occurs without any dialog requesting a password or credentials of any kind.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
Implementing netdata within my monitoring team has helped both senior and junior colleagues to relax and not keep their eyes fixed on the horrible dashboards of the old tools we used. Thanks to netdata, it was possible to configure visual, animated, and Telegram alerts in less than half a working day, allowing resources to dedicate their time to more interesting activities rather than watching a monitor for all 8 working hours.
Recommendations to others considering the product:
In production and non-production environments, a bash or python script to obtain automatic updates through daily checks of the versions released on GitHub.

    Marco D.

A lightweight and updated package for full monitoring of hosts and Virtual Machine guests

  • November 21, 2019
  • Review verified by G2

What do you like best about the product?
Netdata allows for complete monitoring of the Linux host on which it is installed, the installation size is minimal and has almost no impact on the performance and hardware resources of the host, therefore it can also be installed in older environments and/or with few remaining physical or virtual hardware resources. It allows monitoring of services, values, and loads through a fully responsive and customizable interface.
What do you dislike about the product?
The update times of some values are not selectable from the dashboard except through source code modification, therefore it is complicated to perform real-time monitoring on values considered important to verify the updated status of a service or resource.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
Monitor on a tile of monitors multiple hosts simultaneously to keep important values and parameters related to critical functionalities and services like network-distributed file systems and networking status under control.
Recommendations to others considering the product:
Remember to keep it updated through cronjobs or similar scheduling as bugs in the Beta phase of Nodes are often fixed and new interesting features are released, available only with manual updates.

    Germano C.

Il tool conclusivo per il monitoraggio real-time di prestazioni, velocità e latenze

  • November 16, 2019
  • Review verified by G2

What do you like best about the product?
NetData è un tool performante, leggero e di facile installazione che consente la visualizzazione su dashboard web totalmente responsive e HTML5 di grafici, istogrammi e pie chart relativi alle prestazioni del sistema, le latenze, le velocità, il carico, il load medio e tante altre informazioni relative allo stato dei servizi in running nell'hosts dove viene installato.
Netdata è veramente facile da configurare e consente il totale controllo della situazione senza la necessità di eseguire complessi comandi SSH e filtri vari per accedere ai dati di interesse, le funzionalità di alerting real-time e highlighting del problema sulla dashboard live lo rendono il tool perfetto per il monitoring proattivo e attivo di risorse e sistemi.
What do you dislike about the product?
L'unica pecca di netdata è che in ambiente Windows, se non tramite appositi fork e derivazioni di tale tool open source, risulta impossibile o quasi monitorare tutti i parametri insiti nella dashboard di netdata, pertanto, eventuali sistemi di virtualizzazione di VMs basati su Microsoft Hyper V non saranno monitorabili attraverso questo tool ed è quindi necessario ricorrere a costosi tool proprietari.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
Produciamo dispositivi IoT per smalt building che fanno uso di server e VMs proprietarie self-hosted presso il nostro data center, risulta pertanto necessario monitorare lo stato di tali sistemi hosts per evidenziare o venire a conoscenza per risolvere proattivamente e prontamente tutte le problematiche che potrebbero presentarsi su questi sistemi hosts rendendo indisponibili funzionalità critiche dei dispositivi IoT installati nei building come ad esempio la chiusura delle glassdoors temporizzata o l'oscuramento tramite comando cloud da app android delle tapparelle integrate nel vetro di ogni camera.

    Gaetano A.

Simple, immediate, and easy-to-understand monitoring even for beginners.

  • November 13, 2019
  • Review provided by G2

What do you like best about the product?
NetData allows, in a completely graphical manner and with an installation on Linux of only two commands, to monitor every single detail and value of one or more host systems or one or more guest systems to have in view and under continuous monitoring, in an orderly manner and divided into fully customizable sections, the intake of very important data related to workloads, active services, load of active services, networking statistics, cybersecurity statistics and averages, and hundreds of customizable tests through integrated and/or integrable plugins like fping and iperf that allow to automatically start and display on the dashboard the results of advanced pings and bilateral connection tests and the related measurement of available and used bandwidth, therefore allowing anyone (in my company we have assigned some interns experienced in monitoring but not in software related to this activity) to view, on hourly shifts, the dashboard data by examining triggers, alarms and creating and configuring alerts and verification actions necessary to resolve or report the problem to the appropriate person, a very useful tool for those who host systems of various kinds with relatively strict SLAs imposed by clients or other entities.
What do you dislike about the product?
It is not easy to integrate the monitoring of external systems such as Wi-Fi SDN statistics, gateways, IoT devices with standard protocols and so on, despite the availability of official and open APIs in multiple formats. Additionally, a basic documentation should be created regarding the use and creation of tasks, triggers, and alarms.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
We employed interns with little experience in monitoring critical and complex systems without the need for specific training other than basic actions to take in case of alarms and triggers beyond a certain threshold. In this way, our company was able to train inexperienced students in proactive monitoring systems while also saving human resources and hours per individual resource in monitoring such assets. Thanks to netdata, we manage to meet client KPIs and SLAs, avoiding dissatisfaction and proactively resolving potentially harmful situations before they can impact one or more nodes of our clusters.

    Fabrizio T.

Excellent tool for continuous graphical monitoring of the status of resources and services

  • November 12, 2019
  • Review verified by G2

What do you like best about the product?
Netdata clearly and aesthetically (as well as graphically) allows the identification and monitoring of various aspects and values of hardware resources, service status, load percentages, usage, errors, and averages of operating systems (mainly Linux) and the services that revolve around them. In my company, it finds application in multiple fields: 24/7 monitoring for 365 days a year of business-critical client assets, monitoring of networking devices, bandwidth controls, and unified monitoring of multiple physical hosts (used, for example, for the virtualization of VMs). It is open source and allows for modification and adaptation according to one's needs and requirements. I love its simplicity and the fact that it uses well-documented configuration files rather than languages with mandatory and confusing indentation.
What do you dislike about the product?
There is little possibility, except through the additional fping module, to monitor additional Linux nodes or services from a netdata node. In many use cases, it would simply be enough to monitor the status of some ports and display it on the netdata graph of the main node, but unfortunately, this is not possible because the fping module does not allow port tests but only the ICMP protocol. It would be useful to integrate Zenmap.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
Thanks to netdata, I was able to create, almost at zero cost, for the support ops team of my company a screen then inserted on a high-resolution videowall for continuous monitoring of the company's IT and networking infrastructure containing customer services with restrictive SLAs and continuously monitored, and security, backup, disaster recovery, and administration appliances that require proactive alerting in case of issues or values outside the recommended threshold.

    Antonio I.

Tool ad-hoc, forse il migliore, per il monitoraggio proattivo grafico di assets importanti

  • November 11, 2019
  • Review verified by G2

What do you like best about the product?
Netdata è semplicemente perfetto, dico semplicemente perchè oltre ad installarsi con un semplice comando da CLI è leggerissimo, veloce, non impatta assolutamente sulle risorse di sistema nonostante le notevoli features in esso presenti e, sopratutto, consente in pochi click la totale configurazione di un sistema di monitoraggio attivo, proattivo ma cosa ancor più importante grafico e gui-based per ogni parametro di sistema con una granularità e profondità veramente sconvolgente per un tool gratuito e open source
What do you dislike about the product?
Il supporto ad applicazioni e sistemi di monitoraggio di terze parti (o API di monitoraggio) è scarso e spesso il parsing di parametri JSON esterni e indici vari è complicato o talmente dispendioso da ottenere da essere costretti ad usare sistemi di monitoraggio proprietari piuttosto che integrare in netdata, in ogni caso non è assolutamente un punto negativo, semplicemente non è ancora abbastanza maturo da eseguire questo tipo di azione
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
Creare una dashboard attiva 24/7 con aggiornamenti e alerting real time per un security operation center e un network operation center corporate per tenere, per un team di circa 6 persone, sotto controllo ogni singolo parametro di rete, cpu, load, ram ed ulteriori valori che, se anomali, potrebbero far pensare a problemi di sicurezza informatica o networking, un'ottima alternativa grafica a Zabbix oltre che bello, anzi stupendo, da vedere su un videowall a parete

    Dario S.

Best monitoring tool for dashboards and proactive monitoring of nodes and hosts

  • November 11, 2019
  • Review verified by G2

What do you like best about the product?
Netdata convinced me from the first use as it features an easy-to-use and configurable graphical interface, fully responsive with a minimal and material design. The vast amount of data it can read on the host system once installed is immense, allowing for both basic superficial monitoring (e.g., CPU %, RAM %, downstream and upstream bandwidth) and granular monitoring of parameters inherent in the operating system in use.
What do you dislike about the product?
I like everything about netdata, a graphical customization menu of the web GUI would help many companies and industry specialists create personalized views and dashboards instead of the usual grey-themed dashboards that do not suit large arrays of videowalls in dedicated monitoring rooms due to the dark color.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
Proactively monitor through a team that is engaged 24/7 in viewing such data in real-time, the health status and activity status of certain hosts and their running services deemed business critical for our operations and those of our clients, I never expected that such a lightweight and free tool could have solved such a large and widespread problem, it amazed me!

    Domenico A.

Ottima per il monitoraggio su video wall di applicazioni e servizi business-critical

  • November 09, 2019
  • Review verified by G2

What do you like best about the product?
Abbiamo impiegato e continuiamo ad impiegare netdata per tutte le nostre macchine virtuali contenenti servizi aziendali e di clienti business-critical che vanno proattivamente monitorati 24/7 per 365 giorni, di netdata mi piace l'estensibilità ed il fatto che sia totalmente gratuito e senza limitazioni oltre che facilmente installabile e veramente leggero da installare anche in macchine che hanno già un uso intensivo della cpu
What do you dislike about the product?
Mi piace tutto di netdata, andrebbe solo migliorata la modalità multi utente e l'alerting via SMTP agli utenti interessati inseriti in un gruppo in caso di raggiungimento di soglie allarmanti su un grafico, inoltre, ho già proposto su github come soluzione un blink o un auto focus dei parametri che vanno sopra una certa soglia per porre l'attenzione dell'operatore sul valore interessato senza che sia lui a dover continuamente scorrere e cercare tutto
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
Monitorare proattivamente e dare accesso ad un team di operatore su turnazione tramite dashboard tutti i servizi business critical che in caso di spegnimento, crash o problemi vari potrebbero portare problematiche legali o comunque contrattuali per via delle SLA concordata tra la nostra azienda e le aziende cliente

    Rino L.

Ottimo tool per il monitoraggio di servizi attivi su hosts linux

  • November 07, 2019
  • Review verified by G2

What do you like best about the product?
Netdata è il tool definitivo gratuito e open source per monitorare sistemi Linux di ogni tipo, le loro specifiche hardware e quasi la totalità dei servizi in essi attivi, permette a più utenti (multi user mode) la possibilità di creare dashboard e viste totalmente personalizzate così da dividere il monitoraggio per aree, team o applicazioni
What do you dislike about the product?
Le API sono un poco outdated e poco documentate sulla documentazione ufficiale, tuttavia, nel mio scenario servono a poco in quanto basta accesso alla dashboard di monitoraggip
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
Avevo necessità di controllare lo stato di nginx e le percentuali di carico di quest'ultimo attraverso una GUI che non viene fornita nella versione community di nginx, netdata si è rivelato il tool ideale per questo problema

    Building Materials

monitoraggio per server, che sono macchine virtuali o bare metal

  • November 03, 2019
  • Review provided by G2

What do you like best about the product?
netdata è molto semplice da installare, soprattutto come contenitore. netdata è altrettanto semplice da usare, infatti basterà dire il suo URL nel browser. ti permette di monitorare tutti i parametri vitali di un server e impostare degli allarmi su di essi.
What do you dislike about the product?
di netdata Non mi piace il fatto che non sia possibile monitorare molti server che compongono un cluster, ad esempio, da un'unica interfaccia. sarebbe stato utile.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
con netdata monitoriamo i server più importanti della nostra architettura, impostiamo allarmi sui parametri vitali della macchina in modo da essere avvistati se l'uso delle risorse, ad esempio, va oltre il normale funzionamento.
Recommendations to others considering the product:
is not possible to monitor many servers that make up a cluster, for example, from a single interface. would have been useful.