Avideo - Your own Tube website powered by TurnKey GNU/Linux
TurnKey GNU/Linux | 18.1Linux/Unix, Debian 12/Bookworm - 64-bit Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
many problems
1. Cannot encrypt the site (the ssl letsencrypt doesnt work, never did, not even on the providers own site) so users will always get a google go away screen.
2. Video thumbnails don't work
3. Conflicting admin type panels.
It seems like this software was just a scam here on AWS,
when someone see's the word "Turnkey" they generally
think "TurnKey" (You click and the installation is complete.)
Far from it.
Think this is a FAKE bad review? Well go ahead, install and the waste a few days or weeks in my case trying to get it all working... go ahead, I dare you.
After you are done doing all that you are going to have to go through, come back here and tell me I was wrong.
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