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Pipefy US

Pipefy | 1

Reviews from AWS Marketplace

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External reviews

222 reviews
from G2

External reviews are not included in the AWS star rating for the product.

    Ramon P.

Great tool for any kind of organization

  • June 19, 2020
  • Review provided by G2

What do you like best about the product?
Very clean interface, easy to use API, easy to use interface, very customizable, affordable and can get you from 0 to 1 and from 1 to N
What do you dislike about the product?
Sometimes adding new users is a little bit confusing. Happened to my organization, where people would login to Pipefy and end up in a different account.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
We have the whole company operations running on Pipefy. It gives you all the benefits a Kanban gives - organization, logical chaining, separation of roles, accountability, status report, etc. But in a nice interface that you can customize.
Recommendations to others considering the product:
If you are dealing with anything that requires a Kanban, Pipefy is great. It has some resources Trello or JIRA does not offer, such as shared DBs, embedding cards into others, automatic workflows, etc. It is a really great way of getting your operations running, keeping them accountable, having everything centralized in a single place, and not having to worry about underground spreadsheets

    Logistics and Supply Chain

É uma boa ferramente de organização de demanda de trabalho.

  • June 17, 2020
  • Review verified by G2

What do you like best about the product?
A organização dos cartões de atividade, com avisos de vencimento de prazos, criação de um banco de dados para criação de histórico de cliente e atividades.
What do you dislike about the product?
A falta de uma ferramenta, que mostre graficamente como e quanto uma atividade está impactando com as demais.
Quando mais de uma atividade tem o mesmo prazo de entrega.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
A terceirização de abertura de atividades, hoje a demanda da área é criada a partir da solicitação dos nossos clientes internos.

    Amanda M.

Facilidade de Implementação/Modelagem

  • June 09, 2020
  • Review verified by G2

What do you like best about the product?
A autonomia para criar e remanejar campos e fases.
Modelar os pipes de acordo com cada processo, a ligação entre cards pai/filho com movimentações através dos gatilhos.
Otimizamos a comunicação interna com uso dos emails template para alertar os usuários sobre algumas tarefas simples. Poder mencionar (@) os usuários nos comentários também tem ajuda a concentrar as informações e melhorar a comunicação.
A visualização dos prazos também facilitam na hora de entender as demandas.
What do you dislike about the product?
O aplicativo mobile.
Ele é pouco funcional, sobretudo para quem está utilizando no dia-a-dia na rua.
Tanto a visualização é ruim, quanto as movimentações e alterações são pouco funcionais.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
A centralização das informações.
Pudemos organizar e entender melhor os nossos processos.
Percebemos os gargalos nas etapas do de alguns processos, e pudemos percebemos como funciona o processo como um todo, agora temos uma noção maior de como funciona do início ao fim.
Com isso, além de ajustar os processos não só para se adequar a plataforma pipefy, mas também para melhorarmos internamente e com isso melhorar e facilitar o dia -a-dia dos funcionários.
Estamos mais atentos às etapas, então temos mais controle quando algo precisa 'fugir' do processo.

    Allan F.

Pipefy: A melhor solução para gestão de processos

  • May 27, 2020
  • Review verified by G2

What do you like best about the product?
Agilidade do atendimento da equipe de suporte e modelagem. São atenciosos e sempre com ideias para contribuir com o melhor andamento da implantação.
What do you dislike about the product?
Gostei de tudo! Não tenho nenhum ponto para apontar como negativo.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
Resolvi meus problemas de descentralização de processos, falhas na comunicação interna, perda de prazos com clientes. Hoje temos uma equipe integrada, falando a mesma "língua", e o melhor de tudo é ver isso sendo refletido diretamente na experiência do meu cliente.
Recommendations to others considering the product:
Minha dica é ter participação ativa junto ao time de modelagem do Pipefy. Ninguém conhece sua organização melhor que você mesmo. Quanto mais você participar do processo de modelagem do sistema, melhor ele vai ficar , de acordo com suas necessidades. A equipe do Pipefy é extremamente pró-ativa e eficaz, mas isso não elimina a necessidade da participação ativa do gestor da companhia para desenvolver os processos.

    Ramón S.

Perfect soft for Process workflows

  • May 23, 2020
  • Review verified by G2

What do you like best about the product?
I love the easy kanban board. Is really flexible without loosing the user restrictions. So you can make a process reliable in your business.
What do you dislike about the product?
There are some features missing with database usage, for example export databases. Also would be great to integrate databases with websites using a iframe or something........
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
The main problem we have solved with Pipefy was the user registration process in our business that pass through almost every department. We now have control over every step of the process. Also we made our CRM in Pipefy so when the the leads becomes clients, everything happens insight the same software.

    Luis Fernando S.

Still find it the most comprehensive process management tool available .

  • May 15, 2020
  • Review verified by G2

What do you like best about the product?
I have tried several other process management or similar tools in the market, but Pipefy still gives the most 'bang for your buck'. I like that it solves problems quickly and easily. That is a major feature because most of us do not have the time or resources to manage a big burdening software. We need simple and fast solutions. Pipefy is simple and fast.
What do you dislike about the product?
It takes a while to get acquainted and used to the user interface. That can cause difficulty to some members of the team who can find it overwhelming at the beginning. It must be used for a while before you become productive.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
We are standardizing the accounts receivable process for an insurance broker. Automating emails and reminders has taken a lot of repetitive work from the office clerks. They can now concentrate on exceptions and problem solving for better customer service. We plan to move to dashboards next, to keep managers informed in real-time.
Recommendations to others considering the product:
Pipefy solves problems, and many competitors too. Sometimes it is your creativity and how you tackle your problems that brings out the best outcome or solution. That being said, Pipefy will probably have a solution for just about anything you can throw at it.

    Import and Export

Pipefy is an incredible "Saas"

  • May 12, 2020
  • Review provided by G2

What do you like best about the product?
The Suport is amazing, and the possibility of create databases.
What do you dislike about the product?
For most users this is not relevant and is not of great weight in my decision making but the pipefy interface is a little non-intuitive at the beginning of the experience
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
Business Processes, CRM & Client Support
Recommendations to others considering the product:
Go! I like Pipefy and how they serve your clients.

Its management approach in Kanban is excellent for all businesses, from small businesses to large corporations, as it does not need to be implemented across the company to give results.

Migration can be gradual by internal teams.

Pipefy also has efficient support that instantly solves most of my requests.


I've been trying the tools

  • May 09, 2020
  • Review provided by G2

What do you like best about the product?
Speed and tutorials. It easy to customize
What do you dislike about the product?
The price is not a fit for very small businesses. It should have gradable value
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
Recommendations to others considering the product:
I totally recommend. It has the main features as being easy to use and well supported, while it does the job with simplicity.

    Amador P.

Product Manager Review

  • May 08, 2020
  • Review provided by G2

What do you like best about the product?
We use pipefy to define process . For example Sales Process and Feedback Process. We share the form and our clients register and we see the info to explote
What do you dislike about the product?
Your UX in Software template is horrible. We have +50 cards and management of task is difficult.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
Implement Short Process and wiht only one interaction between areas. Our process are easy and clear.

    Education Management

The best tool to organize your processes.

  • May 08, 2020
  • Review provided by G2

What do you like best about the product?
What I like best is the automations options.
What do you dislike about the product?
The templates e-mails messages could be improved.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
Sending automated e-mails. This is definitely a time saving!!
Recommendations to others considering the product:
It can definitely help your business to be well organized in a high professional level.