Bitnami package for Jenkins
Bitnami by VMware | 2.492.1-0-r02 on Debian 12Linux/Unix, Debian 12 - 64-bit Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
A quick and simple solution
One-click easy and quick solution to run a Jenkins server.
The official recommended type (t3a.small) is not enough to maintain two simultaneous build jobs. The service occasionally breaks.
t3a.medium seems to work well with my project.
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Bugged out randomly after working fine for a few months
It worked fine, for a few months, then it broke (out of the blue).
Now, I have to restart the Jenkins service every time I want to start a build job, or git won't pull new commits. (Errors out with "repository not found").
Recommend following Jenkins' official installation guide, and installing it on a distribution of your choice.
Poor maintenance due to changes by Bitnami
This installation of Jenkins server has been changed a log by Bitnami, making it hard to maintain.
Many symlinks
/opt/bitnami/jenkins -> /bitnami/jenkins
but jenkins home is at /opt/bitnami/jenkins/jenkins_home
apache2 -> /opt/bitnami/apache
/bitnami/stack -> /opt/bitnami
nvm (node multi-version installer) is running with complains due to those symlinks
Still use apache2, I don't understand the configuration at all.
Don't you know Nginx is way simpler ???
it just works
Installation was simple and effective. Once you've got the admin password, its just ready to use as if it was installed on a local server.
it just works
Very Bad
Just did a fresh instalation with the default user it shows a lot of 403 messages. Some default plugins did not install succefully.
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