Bitnami package for Magento
Bitnami by VMware | 2.4.7-0-r15 on Debian 12Linux/Unix, Debian 12 - 64-bit Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
Bitnami you had one job - work out of the box #fail
Seriously I have to pay money for this? I cannot access the Magento app because the config table has base_url set to an AWS public IP address URL, presumably from when the image was prepared, embedded in the Magento config table. This means I get redirected to when I try to access Magento. This is ridiculous.
To fix it I did this:
mysql -u root -p
USE bitnami_magento;
select * from core_config_data where path like '%base_url%';
UPDATE core_config_data SET value = 'http://[localIP]/' WHERE config_id = 19;
but now there is some Magento cache that needs to be cleared because I am still being 302 redirected to the public IP. So I am off spelunking in Magento forums to find out the magic commands to clear the cache. I thought I was paying for Bitnami so I would not have to do these sorts of gymnastics!
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Magento Packaged by Bitnami doesn't work out the box.
Hi All
Maybe I am just stupid but I thought that by using a Packaged Template it would work out the Box once the AMI was restored?
Trying to logon with SSH but the link just kept loading with no results and nothing happened.
So again I ask should a Template not work out the Box ?
About username and login page
Open your browser like
Magento panel username and password:
(READ the Magento's page at aws marketplace for more details!!!)
User administrator: user (fixed, default)
Password: you must take the password of your instance by clicking:
- select your instance - Actions - Monitor and troubleshoot - Get System Log
Scroll to the about 25% above the bottom of the log, you'll find something like this (inside this kind of box):
# #
# Setting Bitnami application password to 'MRWJEUOAeF6s' #
# (the default application username is 'user') #
# #
If you are not getting absolutely nothing in the browser, log in via SSH, don't forget your keypair and set the username as 'bitnami'.
After logged in, maybe you need to allow the access to HTTP/HTTPS (via SSH, using curl http://localhost, I faced the error Connection refused):
$ sudo iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
$ sudo iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT
After this, everything will be okay.
Great quick startup package
Recommended t3a medium instance seems to work well. t2 doesnt work. Took about hour or so for /admin to work. Having built Magento from scratch it can be quite painful and time-consuming. This is a great AMI for getting a Magento installed on a server quickly
Honestly, its a 5/5 and Bitnami is just amazing
I have been working with Magento for over 5 years and I don't think I could do without it. Its a piece of software that is editable at almost every level and that makes it a very very strong product. You can tweak it to resemble any other product out there so there is no use comparing Magento to any other product since it can be edited easily to look like any other product out there. Honestly I do not see the sense in rating software products since they can always be tweaked to fit a different narrative especially when the parent developer allows it and Magento gives you access to almost every level, for free. It deserves more than a 5/5. It must have taken thousands of hours to come up with such a product and be able to offer it for free. At the same time, the product is always going through improvements so a rating that was done yesterday does not mean that it reflects tomorrow's release of the same product.
As others have stated, not working out of the box.
Not possible to log in with supplied credentials, not possible to create another admin account to log in with in stead.
Not possible to find login credentials in the logs.
I'm not one for giving up, but sometimes you have to cut your losses.
Works fine but be patient
The instance takes a little bit time to start (around 30 minutes in a t3.small instance, dev purpose) before you can even connect through ssh.
But now, the CMS seems to works fine. The authentication to the back-office worked as expected.
Did not try the others functionality yet but for now everything is ok.
Thank you bitnami.
1 person found this helpful
bad image
user credentials found on log file don't work...
home page stuck in a loop on smartphone...
lots of bugs, waste of time, found another image that work perfectly
bye bye
Very buggy
I found this instance to be very buggy and Magento was almost unusable due to the the repeated errors that something went wrong and several others. I spent almost a day on this, including resetting the instance once and finally gave up. I chose a different AMI with Magento, and having the fortunate opportunity to compare this side by side with a working release, I can be confident in my assessment that this is a very poorly released image, I do not recommend it. You'll spend a tremendous amount of time trying to fix what should work out of the box. This was not ready for release, and I would caution to stay away from this vendor based on this experience.
Really worst magento 2 app
Hi Guys
its my honest review i was installed the application my aws server its not working properly many bugs in the apps support please no able to address the issue , they are moving here and there i suffering the configuration since 7 days, permission issue no body can help me about they are blaming this maganto , theme issue etc .
you can check the my thread :
I would request to AWS cloud team please do clean and bug free app in your marketplace
My review may not important for Bitnami and AWS but its a honest and my experience feedback and my frustration
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