About Medisafe Inc.
Medisafe datasets capture medication management consumption behavior around adherence including within drug classes across different brands and granular details on scheduled dosing and reasons for non-adherence. The behavioral-driven data provides insights into healthcare consumption in a de-identified and HIPAA compliant manner. Data sourced from self-reported medication management behaviors is valuable research for the development of future healthcare advancements from drug discovery to care management and delivery programs.
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- Sold by Medisafe Inc.
Free | 12 month subscription available.
Medisafe conducted a survey to global users during the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak to assess the level of anticipated interruption with medication management routines and health management routines as a result of quarantine guidelines. This product includes three patients answers to a five questions survey, sent via the Medisafe App.
- Sold by Medisafe Inc.
Price $24,000 | 12 month subscription available.
Examine daily medication consumption patterns of self-reported and de-identified patients taking medications from a cross-section of drug classes including antidiabetics DPP-4 Inhibitors and a combination of additional medications. The snapshot includes detailed breakdown of adherence/persistence data by medication, including overdosing, number and timeliness of missed doses and duration of medication intake.
- Sold by Medisafe Inc.
Price $36,000 | 12 month subscription available.
Examine medication consumption patterns in granular, down to the hour, details of self-reported and de-identified patients taking Oncology- Neutropenia Inhibitors in combination with additional medications to gain insight about specific behaviors.
- Sold by Medisafe Inc.
Price $36,000 | 12 month subscription available.
Gain actionable insights from self-identified reasons for non-adherence to a missed dose by patients self-report taking a combination of antidiabetic DPP-4 Inhibitors and/or additional medications . Assess and trend patient mindsets from the self-reported and de-identified Medisafe users indicating reasons for skipping specific doses from a complex medication regimen.
- Sold by Medisafe Inc.
Price $25,000 | 1 month subscription available.
In October 2020, Medisafe deployed an in-app survey to patients to identify likeliness of getting COVID-19 vaccine when it comes to market and uncovered the concerns that patients have which vary by condition.
- Sold by Medisafe Inc.
Price $25,000 | 36 month subscription available.
We asked people who use Medisafe to manage their medication regimen how they are coping with the coronavirus outbreak. This product includes their answers to a five questions survey, sent patients via the Medisafe App.
- Sold by Medisafe Inc.
Free | 12 month subscription available.
This product contains free data samples from the original files, to clarify what each file includes.
- Sold by Medisafe Inc.
Price $36,000 | 12 month subscription available.
Gain actionable insights from identified reasons for non-adherence of Antidepressants: SNRIs. Assess and trend patient mindsets from the self-reported and de-identified Medisafe users indicating reasons for skipping their SNRI medications.
- Sold by Medisafe Inc.
Price $36,000 | 12 month subscription available.
Examine medication consumption patterns in granular, down to the hour, details of self-reported and de-identified patients taking Opioid class medications to gain insight about specific behaviors.
- Sold by Medisafe Inc.
Price $36,000 | 12 month subscription available.
Gain actionable insights from self-identified reasons for non-adherence to Opioid med schedules. Assess and trend patient mindsets from the self-reported and de-identified Medisafe users indicating reasons for skipping their Opioid medications.
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