About Twinword Inc.
Twinword provides text analysis APIs that can understand and associate words in the same way as humans do. Our APIs are currently being used by search engines, online e-Commerce sites, and many other developers creating software that analysis and categorize text. Beyond that, we also have a few consumer products related to writing, searching, and learning that uses our APIs and showcases its power. We welcome any kinds of business partners who may be keen to utilize our API to develop new applications. At Twinword, we thrive to grow and develop with our valuable partners!
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- Sold by Twinword Inc.
Is this comment positive or negative? Find out the tone of a user comment or post.
- Sold by Twinword Inc.
A dictionary and so much more! Rich information for a word with definitions, associations, examples, and much more.
- Sold by Twinword Inc.
Which categories are relevant? Suggest related categories for each blog, article, or post.
- Sold by Twinword Inc.
Vocabulary test with levels and exam-specific words (SAT, GMAT, etc). Customized word association quiz for game and e-learning software.
- Sold by Twinword Inc.
What are some other related categories? Recommend highliy related categories for e-commerce and other uses.
- Sold by Twinword Inc.
Build a graph with words connected to other words. Diagram information for visualizing concepts or mind maps.
- Sold by Twinword Inc.
How similar are these two text...? Evaluate the similarity of two words, sentences, or paragraphs.
- Sold by Twinword Inc.
What emotions are in this text...? Detect the emotions of a paragraph of text.
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