About AWS Open Data Sponsorship Program
This program exists to help people discover and share data sets that are available by using AWS resources. Unless specifically stated in the applicable data set documentation, data sets available through the Registry of Open Data on AWS are not provided or maintained by AWS. Data sets are provided and maintained by a variety of third parties under a variety of licenses. Please check data set licenses and related documentation to determine if a data set may be used for you application. If you have a project using a listed data set please tell us about it at opendata@amazon.com.
AWS Open Data Sponsorship Program
AWS Open Data Sponsorship Program Products (321)
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Free | Publicly available
The Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) was a NASA Medium Explorer satellite in low-Earth orbit that conducted an all-sky astronomical imaging survey over four infrared bands from 2010-2011. The All-Sky Release includes all data taken during the WISE full cryogenic mission phase, 7 January 2010 to 6 August 2010, in the 3.4, 4.6, 12, and 22 micron bands (i.e., W1, W2, W3, W4) that were processed with improved calibrations and reduction algorithms.
Free | Publicly available
The Inter-mission Time Series of Land Ice Velocity and Elevation (ITS_LIVE) project has a singular mission: to accelerate ice sheet and glacier research by producing globally comprehensive, high resolution, low latency, temporally dense, multi-sensor records of land ice and ice shelf change while minimizing barriers between the data and the user. ITS_LIVE data currently consists of NetCDF Level 2 scene-pair ice flow products posted to a standard 120 m grid derived from Landsat 4/5/7/8/9, Sentinel-2 optical scenes, and Sentinel-1 SAR scenes. We have processed all land-ice intersecting image pairs separated by ≤546 days for optical and ≤12 for SAR sensors, for all missions from each mission start to the end of 2022. The ITS_LIVE project will continue processing new optical and radar scene pairs as they come in, and will soon increase production to include SAR image pairs separated by more than 12 days. We also expect to extend processing to include ASTER, RADARSAT, and NISAR imagery[...]
Free | Publicly available
The data are part of EPA’s Air Quality Time Series (EQUATES) Project. The data consist of hourly gridded pollutant concentrations estimates by the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model version 5.3.2 (https://doi.org/10.15139/S3/F2KJSK) for January 1 – December 31, 2019. Model data is provided for two spatial domains : the Northern Hemisphere (108 km x 108km horizontal grid spacing) and the Contiguous United States including parts of Canada and Mexico (12km x 12km horizontal grid spacing). Two types of hourly data are provided: three-dimensional air pollutant concentrations and vertical column pollutant totals. Previous studies have used this type of CMAQ 3D and vertical column air quality data to evaluate the modeling system, created model-observed ‘fused’ surfaces, and to analyze spatial and temporal changes in air quality in the upper atmosphere, e.g., https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envint.2019.104909; https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-17-12449-2017; https://doi.org/10.1029/200[...]
Free | Publicly available
Home of the Argoverse datasets. Public datasets supported by detailed maps to test, experiment, and teach self-driving vehicles how to understand the world around them. This bucket includes the following datasets: Argoverse 1 (AV1) Motion Forecasting Tracking Argoverse 2 (AV2) Motion Forecasting Lidar Sensor Trust, but Verify (TbV) Map Change Detection
Free | Publicly available
NASA missions like the Curiosity and Perseverance rovers carry a rich array of instruments suited to collect data and build evidence towards answering if Mars ever had livable environmental conditions. These rovers can collect rock and soil samples and can take measurements that can be used to determine their chemical makeup. Because communication between rovers and Earth is severely constrained, with limited transfer rates and short daily communication windows, scientists have a limited time to analyze the data and make difficult inferences about the chemistry in order to prioritize the next operations and send those instructions back to the rover. This project aimed at building a model to automatically analyze evolved gas analysis mass spectrometry (EGA-MS) data collected for Mars exploration in order to help the scientists in their analysis of understanding the past habitability of Mars. More information are available at https://mars.nasa.gov/ms[...]
Free | Publicly available
Tabula Sapiens will be a benchmark, first-draft human cell atlas of two million cells from 25 organs of eight normal human subjects. Taking the organs from the same individual controls for genetic background, age, environment, and epigenetic effects, and allows detailed analysis and comparison of cell types that are shared between tissues. Our work creates a detailed portrait of cell types as well as their distribution and variation in gene expression across tissues and within the endothelial, epithelial, stromal and immune compartments. A critical factor in the Tabula projects is our large collaborative network of PI’s with deep expertise at preparation of diverse organs, enabling all organs from a subject to be successfully processed within a single day. Tabula Sapiens leverages our network of human tissue experts and a close collaboration with a Donor Network West, a not-for-profit organ procurement organization. We use their experience to balance and assign cell types fro[...]
Free | Publicly available
These products are a subset of the ECMWF real-time forecast data and are made available to the public free of charge. They are based on the medium-range (high-resolution and ensemble) and seasonal forecast models. Products are available at 0.4 degrees resolution in GRIB2 format unless stated otherwise.
Free | Publicly available
Dataset associated with the March 2021 Frontiers in Robotics and AI paper "Broad Dataset and Methods for Counting and Localization of On-Ear Corn Kernels", DOI: 10.3389/frobt.2021.627009
Free | Publicly available
Sequence database used by FCS-GX (Foreign Contamination Screen - Genome Cross-species aligner) to detect contamination from foreign organisms in genome sequences.
Free | Publicly available
This release consists of simulated data products designed to mimic observations of the same region of the sky as seen by two astronomical facilities: the Nancy Grace Roman Telescope and the Vera C. Rubin Observatory.
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