About Fleximg
We are committed to helping customers simplify the installation and deployment of software on the cloud, sorting out high-quality application software, basic software, databases, IOT, DevOps and other open source software, and realizing the automatic deployment of these software. Email:support@fleximg.net
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- Version Latest Version: aws-cli/2.9.21
- Sold by Fleximg
Starting from $0.00/hr or from $26.00/yr (1% savings) for software + AWS usage fees
The AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) is an open source tool that enables you to interact with AWS services using commands in your command-line shell.
- Version Debian 12 Kernel 5.10 V1.0
- Sold by Fleximg
Starting from $0.01/hr or from $63.07/yr (20% savings) for software + AWS usage fees
This image is built using Debian12 'Minimal Install' group of packages. SSH server is installed and can be used to connect to the instance using the 'admin' user and the key specified at launch.
- Version Latest Version: aws-cli/2.9.17
- Sold by Fleximg
Starting from $0.00/hr or from $26.00/yr (1% savings) for software + AWS usage fees
The AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) is an open source tool that enables you to interact with AWS services using commands in your command-line shell.
- Version EspoCRM 8.04 v1.0
- Sold by Fleximg
Starting from $0.01/hr or from $63.07/yr (20% savings) for software + AWS usage fees
EspoCRM is a powerful Customer Relationship Management software that offers highly customizable workflows and automation features, helping businesses achieve more efficient sales and marketing activities. Additionally, it features an intuitive user interface and robust reporting tools to better understand customer needs and enhance the productivity of your sales team.
- Version Latest Version: Ver EMQX 5.0.19
- Sold by Fleximg
Starting from $0.04/hr or from $260.00/yr (15% savings) for software + AWS usage fees
EMQX is an Open-source MQTT broker with a high-performance real-time message processing engine, powering event streaming for IoT devices at massive scale.As the most scalable MQTT broker, EMQX can help you connect any device, at any scale. Move and process your IoT data anywhere.
- Version prometheus3.0 + grafana11.3 ver2.0
- Sold by Fleximg
Starting from $0.01/hr or from $105.12/yr (20% savings) for software + AWS usage fees
The combination of Prometheus and Grafana can be used for real-time monitoring and analysis of system performance, application metrics, and log data. It allows the creation of visual dashboards, the generation of alerts, and assists system administrators and developers in troubleshooting, performance optimization, and ensuring system reliability. This tool combination is employed to monitor, visualize, and analyze various metrics, providing in-depth insights to enhance the operation and availability of systems and applications.
- Version Latest Version: Ver rabbitmq 3.11.6
- Sold by Fleximg
Starting from $0.01/hr or from $67.00/yr (up to 15% savings) for software + AWS usage fees
RabbitMQ is lightweight and easy to deploy on premises and in the cloud. It supports multiple messaging protocols. RabbitMQ can be deployed in distributed and federated configurations to meet high-scale, high-availability requirements.
- Version CentOS Stream 8 Kernel 5.15 Ver1.0
- Sold by Fleximg
Starting from $0.02/hr or from $99.00/yr (up to 41% savings) for software + AWS usage fees
This product has related support and maintenance fees, and this image was built using the CentOS Stream 8 'Minimal Install' package group.
- Version Kernel5.4 Gnome3.28 V1.0
- Sold by Fleximg
Starting from $0.01/hr or from $63.07/yr (20% savings) for software + AWS usage fees
Gnome is an open-source desktop environment designed to provide users with an intuitive and user-friendly graphical user interface. It encompasses features such as window management, file management, application launcher, and system settings, offering users an efficient, modern, and customizable computing experience.
- Version kernel5.10_MySQL8.0_Nginx1.22_PHP8.2 V2.2
- Sold by Fleximg
Starting from $0.01/hr or from $63.07/yr (20% savings) for software + AWS usage fees
Webmin is a powerful and flexible web hosting control panel for Linux and UNIX systems based on the well-known Open Source web-based systems management GUI.
showing 51 - 60