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Consumer demand & consumer sentiment data derived from social media data. 3 public companies in Oil and Gas sector. 6-Month Delayed Data TRIAL VERSION
LikeFolio provides consumer insights to investors and corporate stakeholders.
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Consumer demand & consumer sentiment data derived from social media data. 3 public companies in Oil and Gas sector. 6-Month Delayed Data TRIAL VERSION
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Consumer demand & consumer sentiment data derived from social media data. 12 public companies in Technology Content sector . 6-Month Delayed Data TRIAL VERSION
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Consumer demand & consumer sentiment data derived from social media data. 299 public companies covered, along with 5 pre-IPO companies. 6-Month Delayed Data TRIAL VERSION
Free | 3 month subscription available.
Consumer demand & consumer sentiment data derived from social media data. 6 crypto-currencies. 6-Month Delayed Data TRIAL VERSION
Price $3,500 | 12 month subscription available.
Consumer demand & consumer sentiment data derived from social media data. 19 public companies in Technology Hardware sector. Full historical PIT data with daily updates.
Price $2,000 | 12 month subscription available.
Purchase intent and consumer sentiment data derived from social media data. Coverage of 11 publicly-traded Retail E-Commerce companies. Full point-in-time historical file, with full history as of each knowledge date through yesterday. Updates daily.
Free | 3 month subscription available.
Consumer demand & consumer sentiment data derived from social media data. 7 public companies in Credit Card Providers sector. 6-Month Delayed Data TRIAL VERSION
Free | 3 month subscription available.
Consumer demand & consumer sentiment data derived from social media data. 17 public companies in Beverage Products sector. 6-Month Delayed Data TRIAL VERSION
Price $1,000 | 12 month subscription available.
Consumer demand & consumer sentiment data derived from social media data. 4 public companies in Cannibis sector.
Free | 3 month subscription available.
Purchase intent and consumer sentiment data derived from social media data. Coverage of the brands and products of 18 publicly-traded Retail Department Store & Multi-Brand companies. Full point-in-time historical file, with full history as of each knowledge date through 6 months ago for historical testing. Updates daily.
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