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The LEBA European Power Prompt Indices were launched on 3rd September 2018. The indices are determined by including both physically-delivered and financially-settled transactions across each of Belgium, Germany, France, Spain Switzerland and Holland. The Indices comprise of day ahead, weekend and month ahead tenors and are volume weighted average prices (VWAP) of all trades transacted through LEBA members between 07:00 hrs and 17:00 hrs UK time.
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Launched in June 2006, LEBA is pleased to offer a unique and comprehensive set of European Gas Prompt Indices based on traded activity, provided as a suite of daily indices. UK Gas market can be viewed on a standalone basis (see LEBA NBP UK Gas Indices) but the European gas market is a highly interconnected set of hubs across a complex physical infrastructure.
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24 Exchange LATAM EOD NDF Data Sample: 24X provides the broadest coverage in all Major NDF pairs in Latam. Subscribe to see a sample EOD package of streaming prices from 8am NY.
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The UK NBP is the UK National Balancing Point (“NBP”) for Natural Gas and is regularly used as an indicator of Europe’s wholesale gas market. The NBP is the longest standing European natural gas market, used by participants as the basis for trading the UK Gas market since the 1990’s. The LEBA NBP UK Gas indices offer a comprehensive set of indices determined by including both physically delivered and financially settled UK Natural Gas Futures.
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In addition to the UK Power Prompt Indices, LEBA also produce a curve of forwards indices, also volume based, weighted averages quoted in £ megawatt hour. These are essential indicators showing the activity and pricing across the OTC market as a whole. The LEBA Forwards Indices have been designed to give a comprehensive overview of the UK power market covering up to 4 weeks, 4 months, 4 quarters and 6 seasons. The LEBA UK Power Forwards Indices were launched on 10th April 2012.
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Price $100 | 1 month subscription available.
Daily full tick file showing bid/offer and size for Middle East Risk Free Rates, FX, Interest Rate Derivatives, Cross Currency Swaps, FX Spreads, Forwards and Forward Spreads from the leading broker in the region. Coverage includes: AED United Arab Emirates BHD Bahrain JOD Jordan KWD Kuwait OMR Oman QAR Qatar RUB Russia SAR Saudi Arabia
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The LEBA Carbon Indices were introduced in March 2005 covering European Union Allowances (EUA) and Certificates of Emission Reduction (CER) were included in October 2007. The Indices are the volume weighted averages of all transactions during a given period or during the whole of the day, dependent on the particular index. Closing prices are the averages of all indications obtained from all the contributing members.
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United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia Forward Rate Agreements, Interest rate Swaps, Basis Swaps, and Swap Spreads from the leading broker in the region based on local and international trade. Daily closing prices for Interest Rate Derivatives vs LIBOR and Risk Free rates. SAR vs SAIBOR and vs LIBOR and AED vs EIBOR and vs LIBOR
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The LEBA Coal Indications were introduced in September 2010 covering API 2* OTC Cleared CIF Rotterdam Coal Swap Contract and API 4* Cleared FOB Richards Bay Coal Swap Contract. The LEBA Coal Indications are the averages of indications provided by contributing member firms. * NB: API 2 and API 4 refer to the physical coal market indexes owned by Argus Media Limited and IHS Global Limited. "API 2" and "API 4" are trade marks of Argus Media Limited and IHS Global Limited.
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LEBA added the forwards indices to the European Gas Prompt curve in response to demand from clients. The unique LEBA data collected from the major brokers gives clients a unique view of the OTC market across European power markets. As with the prompt indices the forwards are volume based, weighted averages quoted in megawatts and Euros per megawatt hour except the Zeebrugge hub indices which are quoted in therms and prices are quoted in pence per therm.
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