About Paragon Cloud Services
Paragon Cloud Services (a division of Paragon Solutions Group) helps IT leaders drive their organization's most important business priorities, accelerate cloud adoption, and transform the digital enablement of their organizations. These leaders want pragmatic, expert insights and a coherent roadmap for the successful implementation of sustainable cloud strategies and solutions. Paragon's proprietary, AI-based tools - Apex and Atlas - along with guidance from our expert consultants provide you the actionable insights and path forward essential for successful cloud adoption and business impact.
Paragon Cloud Services
Paragon Cloud Services Products (14)
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- Sold by Paragon Cloud Services
Measure the right things across your Cloud and on-premise investment and you improve the business. Measure the wrong things and you waste time and money. Like all functional business areas, IT struggles to understand what metrics to measure and for whom. Leveraging existing Cloud tools like AWS CloudWatch and having an effective governance structure for your metrics and reporting can put you on the right path. The result is bringing the relevant metrics to the forefront and simplifying the measurement and analysis processes.
- Sold by Paragon Cloud Services
Do you have a handle of your IT asset situation? Do you know everything that you have across your Cloud and on-premises landscape, where it is and where you are using it? There are many solutions which can help, we take advantage of those solutions (AWS Cost and Usage, AWS Cost Explorer, AWS Organizations, Procurement systems, Ticketing systems, Enterprise Resource Planning systems, etc.) and consolidate the information (contractually, financially and operationally) to give unique insights into the process of optimizing your IT spend.
- Sold by Paragon Cloud Services
Do you know how much down time your business can take before your customers, employees, and regulators notice or are negatively impacted? How and in what order do you recover your systems and data? Many companies operate under the assumption that “someone” has this information and that it is a formalized process. Unfortunately, most plans and underlying processes are obsolete and end up failing on that fateful day when something goes wrong. Business Impact Analysis (BIA) predicts the consequences of disruption of a business function and processes and gathers information needed to develop recovery strategies. It employs risk assessment to identify potential loss scenarios. AWS provides various services (including AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery, AWS DataSync, and Amazon Route 53) when helping organizations with disaster recovery on-prem workloads.
- Version 5
- Sold by Paragon Cloud Services
AgentX will allow your limited resources to focus on true emergency calls. Let AgentX address your non-emergency calls. AgentX leverages AWS AI technologies using a plethora of digital channels.
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