- Version 1.3.3
- Sold by graph.build
Transforms data from RESTful responses into Knowledge Graph structures based on RML Mappings
graph.build is an enterprise-ready, Knowledge Graph driven, data linking service. Built for person or machine to search, explore and interact with data from structured, semi-structured and unstructured sources in one place.
Transforms data from RESTful responses into Knowledge Graph structures based on RML Mappings
Transforms data from SQL Databases into Knowledge Graph or Labelled Property Graph structures.
Graph.Build Studio is your no-code, collaborative, super fast, easy to use, graph development lifecycle IDE, for Labelled Property (LPG) graphs and Semantic (RDF) graphs
Graph.Build Studio is your no-code, collaborative, super fast, easy to use, graph development lifecycle IDE, for Labelled Property (LPG) graphs and Semantic (RDF) graphs
Transforms semi-structured files (XML, JSON, CSV, XLSX, ODS) into graph data.
Writes Resource Description Framework (RDF) Data into a multitude of Semantic Graphs, and CSV Nodes and Edges data into a wide range of Property Graphs.
Graph.Build Studio is your no-code, collaborative, super fast, easy to use, graph development lifecycle IDE, for Labelled Property (LPG) graphs and Semantic (RDF) graphs
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