About John Snow Labs
John Snow Labs, an AI and NLP for healthcare company, provides state-of-the-art software, models, and data to help healthcare and life science organizations build, deploy, and operate AI projects.
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This data package contains the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA), mammography facilities certified by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), radiation-emitting electronic products data, Computed Tomography of head and Magnetic Resonance Imaging of head data.
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This data package contains the hospital bed availability and occupancy data by consultant main specialty and sector as well as data on inpatient and outpatient related hospital activity in England. It also contains information on Sub-Saharan public hospitals.
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The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) data package contains information on medication errors, quality complaints and drug-related adverse events that were submitted to FDA in 2015.
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This data package contains the data about the number of individuals and of the medical procedures undergone by the individuals in a year, procedures that can be categorized as cardiac diagnosis or treatment procedures. In this data package can be found useful statistics related to cardiac procedures, crude rates and the adjusted rates of procedures at Hospital Referral Region in most of the cases and for defibrillator insertion at State, Hospital Service Areas and County level also.
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This data package contains the information on the number of beneficiaries of the different types of Medicare Part D Plan with prescription drug coverage, number of prescription drug plans that are eligible for low income subsidy, percent of Medicare Part D Beneficiaries that are eligible, number of prescription drug plans available per region, percent of Medicare population enrolled in the Stand-Alone Prescription Drug Plan.
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This data package contains information on The Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) Classification System which is used for the classification of active ingredients of drugs according to the organ or system on which they act and their therapeutic, pharmacological and chemical properties. It is controlled by the World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Drug Statistics Methodology (WHOCC), and was first published in 1976.
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This data package contains all (510(k)) submissions for medical devices, reporting status of post-approval studies, Premarket approval (PMA) applications. it lists also all national and international standards recognized by FDA.
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Free | 12 month subscription available.
This data package includes information about Medical Equipment Supplier Services for Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) / Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes. It also comprises of datasets about Medically Unlikely Edits (MUEs) Outpatient Hospital Services as well as Medically Edits Practitioner Services HCPCS / CPT codes.
- Sold by John Snow Labs
Price $2,989 | 12 month subscription available.
Commercial license for all data packages and datasets offered by John Snow Labs.
- Sold by John Snow Labs
Free | 12 month subscription available.
This data package contains the New York State level information on discharge details on patient characteristics, diagnoses, treatments, services, charges and costs from 2009 to 2017.
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