About Miri Infotech
Miri Infotech is an ISO certified software consulting firm, with enduring proficiency in providing Software Development, Web Application Development, Website Design, Embedded System Development and Customized Software Application Development stands proud to say that Quality is our essence. Miri Infotech was founded in the year 2003 and has its headquarter in U.S.A. with branch offices in New Delhi and Noida.
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- Version 3.1.11
- Sold by Miri Infotech
Starting from $0.01 to $0.01/hr for software + AWS usage fees
This product has charges associated with it for seller support and pre-configured Product. Akaunting is a modern, open-source accounting software designed for small businesses and freelancers.
- Version v10.5.1
- Sold by Miri Infotech
Starting from $0.00 to $0.00/hr for software + AWS usage fees
This product has charges associated with it for seller support and pre-configured products. Own Cloud develops and provides open-source software for content collaboration, allowing teams to easily share and work on files seamlessly regardless of device or location.
- Version v4.5
- Sold by Miri Infotech
Starting from $0.04 to $0.04/hr for software + AWS usage fees
This product has charges associated with seller support and pre-configured products. Moodle stands for Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment. It was created by Martin Dougiamas in 2002 to support a social constructionist pedagogy and is used worldwide for online learning and teaching.
- Version 5
- Sold by Miri Infotech
Starting from $0.01 to $0.01/hr for software + AWS usage fees
This product has charges associated with it for seller support and pre-configured Product. osTicket is that one software which is daily increasing its demand among small and mid-size companies and sorting their problems through their email, customer support system.
- Version 5
- Sold by Miri Infotech
Starting from $0.03 to $0.03/hr for software + AWS usage fees
This product has charges associated with it for seller support and pre-configured stack (Apache2, Mysql, Php) in it. We provide you the tools to set up your very own complete and self-hosted online store and website to securely sell products and services to customers worldwide. LAMP is a Web development platform that uses Linux as the operating system, Apache as the Web server, MySQL as the relational database management system and PHP as the object-oriented scripting language.
- Version 3
- Sold by Miri Infotech
Starting from $0.01 to $0.01/hr for software + AWS usage fees
This product has charges associated with it for seller support and pre-configured product . Bugzilla provides two types of search in which the first includes a basic Google-like bug search that is very simple for new users and searches the full text of a bug.
- Version 5.4.1
- Sold by Miri Infotech
Starting from $0.01 to $0.01/hr for software + AWS usage fees
This product has charges associated with it for seller support and pre-configured Product. Squid is a multipurpose caching and forwarding proxy server built mainly to serve HTTP and FTP requests.
- Version v_7.0.9
- Sold by Miri Infotech
Starting from $0.01 to $0.01/hr for software + AWS usage fees
This product has charges associated with it for seller support and pre-configured Product. This product includes charges for seller support and for the pre-configured setup. EspoCRM is a web application that allows users to see enter and evaluate all your company relationships regardless of the type. People, companies, projects or opportunities all in an easy and intuitive interface.
- Version 3
- Sold by Miri Infotech
Starting from $0.01 to $0.40/hr for software + AWS usage fees
This product has charges associated with it for seller support and pre-configured stack (Apache2, Mysql, Php) in it. We provide you the tools to set up your very own complete and self-hosted online store and website to securely sell products and services to customers worldwide. Piwigo refers to an open-source photo gallery software for the web and it is designed for organizations, teams as well as individuals.
- Version 4
- Sold by Miri Infotech
Starting from $0.03 to $0.03/hr for software + AWS usage fees
Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable, creative experience to be truly fulfilling. Laravel attempts to take the pain out of development by easing common tasks used in the majority of web projects.
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