About mnAi
mnAi is a data, insight and analytics platform providing data and information for research and due diligence on unlisted companies in the UK. We are a single source of unified data - we hold 12bn+ data points on 9m+ UK companies, applying a wide variety of machine learning algorithms and filters that allow users to access targeted information far more rapidly than is currently possible. With clients across devolved and local government, professional & financial services, journalism & media, academia and investors, mnAI is trusted to deliver rich, real-time information on UK SME's.
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Free | 6 month subscription available.
Record of Family-owned companies and their employee numbers from all companies registered in the UK.
- Sold by mnAi
Free | 6 month subscription available.
This dataset holds a record of all UK-registered companies that import and export goods from the UK.
- Sold by mnAi
Price $835,000 | 12 month subscription available.
This listing contains a record of all UK companies with a gender attribute based on the board of Directors.
- Sold by mnAi
Free | 6 month subscription available.
A record of all companies, their employee headcount and board gender, who received COVID funding from Central Government, in the UK.
- Sold by mnAi
Free | 6 month subscription available.
Record of the employee headcount from UK registered companies that export goods from the UK. Includes a gender attribute based on the board of directors.
- Sold by mnAi
Price $57,600 | 12 month subscription available.
Record of the employee headcount from UK-registered companies that export goods from the UK. Includes a **gender attribute based on the board of directors.
- Sold by mnAi
Free | 6 month subscription available.
This data listing listing contains details of companies with outstanding, secured debt in the UK.
- Sold by mnAi
Price $24,000 | 12 month subscription available.
This listing holds details of all companies in the UK that have made investments into other organisations in the last 12 months with **Gender of Company.
- Sold by mnAi
Free | 6 month subscription available.
A complete analytical dataset of all companies in the UK that took Government COVID-19 funding during the pandemic.
- Sold by mnAi
Free | 6 month subscription available.
This data set contains a record of all companies, based in Wales, whom import. This file is designed to enable consumers to hold a complete record of all importers registered in Wales, to support marketing, competitor analysis or to populate a CRM system to reduce time taken on deal origination.
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