About mnAi
mnAi is a data, insight and analytics platform providing data and information for research and due diligence on unlisted companies in the UK. We are a single source of unified data - we hold 12bn+ data points on 9m+ UK companies, applying a wide variety of machine learning algorithms and filters that allow users to access targeted information far more rapidly than is currently possible. With clients across devolved and local government, professional & financial services, journalism & media, academia and investors, mnAI is trusted to deliver rich, real-time information on UK SME's.
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Free | 6 month subscription available.
mnAi has a unique insight into UK Company data. This listing consists of all companies in Scotland with a 25% growth in cash in bank (min. £100k). This data can be used to analyse the UK Company register or integrate into other products seamlessly through the AWS Data exchange. This data comprises of a number of core fields that can expanded on upon request from our data set of more than 350 variables. Company data has never been more accessible.
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Price $20,000 | 12 month subscription available.
This data listing listing contains details of companies with outstanding, secured debt in the UK.
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Free | 12 month subscription available.
The mnAi dataset includes secured debt by named lender. This unique data set is further segmented by an emissions value assigned by mnAi’s Carbon Emission Variable (CEV).
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Free | 6 month subscription available.
Dataset containing a record of UK registered companies with a 100% growth in cash at bank over the last twelve months.
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Free | 6 month subscription available.
This listing contains a record of all UK registered companies with their current employee number. This has been developed to assist organisations with prospecting, analysis and to feed company data into other systems to enrich client profiles.
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Free | 6 month subscription available.
This data set contains a record of all companies registered in England who are known to export products. This list can be used for marketing, analysis or as a data source in other products to quickly identify exporters based in England.
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Free | 6 month subscription available.
This listing holds details of all companies in the UK that have made investments into other organisations in the last 12 months.
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Price $30,400 | 12 month subscription available.
An analytical file containing all companies, by gender, who received Government funding during COVID-19. (UK)
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Price $19,200 | 12 month subscription available.
This dataset holds a record of all UK registered companies that export goods from the UK.
- Sold by mnAi
Price $560,000 | 12 month subscription available.
This listing contains a record of all UK companies by postcode town and by **gender of company.
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