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The Kraken Data Exchange provides open, high, low, and close(OHLC) prices and volume amount(cryptocurrency and USD). The data presented shows cyptocurrency prices based in terms of USD and other cryptocurrencies(i.e. BTC in USD compared to ETH in BTC). The timeframe is given as a Unix timestamp.
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Solar Electric Programs Reported by NYSERDA; Beginning 2000 dataset is provided by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority Solar Electric Programs ([NYSERDA](https://nyserda.ny.gov)). The dataset includes the New York state's data with `zip code` level resolution. The update frequency is monthly.
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This listing contains dataset for 2013,2014,2017,2018,2019
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This release contains information on the Covid-19 pandemic and how Americans are feeling about the country's response to it. The included files contain data on whether or not Americans approve of President Trump's handling of Covid-19 and how Americans feel about the economic and infection impact. Additionally, there is data on the averages of these polls and FiveThirtyEight's own adjustments based on their algorithm.
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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides free and open access to various health related data. This release contains percentage of drivers and front seat passengers wearing seat belts, 2012 & 2014 for all states. Source for national data: National Occupant Protection Use Survey and National Occupant Protection Use Survey. Source for state data: State Observational Survey of Seat Belt Use and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's (NHTSA) State Observation of Seat Belt Use.
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The Bitstamp Data Exchange provides open, high, low, and close(OHLC) prices and volume amount(cryptocurrency and USD). The data presented shows cyptocurrency prices based in terms of USD and other cryptocurrencies(i.e. BTC in USD compared to ETH in BTC). The timeframe is given as a Unix timestamp.
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This product contains a historical time-series data of the Labor Force Participation Rate - 25-54 Yrs. (LNS11300060) retrieved from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Economic Data (FRED) at https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/LNS11300060. Data coverage starts from 1948-01-01. The unit of data column is Percent and the values are seasonally adjusted. The update frequency is monthly.
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This dataset contains information on different housing characteristics provided by ACS.
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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides free and open access to various health related data. This release contains total number of Yellow fever to Zika virus disease, non-congenital cases reported in the United States, by region and by states or territory for the year 2019. This table contains provisional cases of selected national notifiable diseases from the National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (NNDSS). The data is available for the current year.
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This product contains a historical time-series data of the Effective Federal Funds Rate (FEDFUNDS) retrieved from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Economic Data (FRED) at https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/FEDFUNDS. Data coverage starts from 1954-07-01. The unit of data column is Percent and the values are not seasonally adjusted. The update frequency is monthly.
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