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This release contains information on the effective federal funds rate. Banks with excess cash will loan money to other banks for the purpose of the latter to raise liquidity. The average rate of these types of transactions is known as the effective federal funds rate.
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This release contains information on Australia's geocoded address file, The Geocoded National Address File (G-NAF). The G-NAF contains more than thirteen million records on physical Australian addresses and only contains geocode information(latitude/longitude map coordinates), no names or personal information are given.
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HUD's Real Estate Assessment Center conducts physical property inspections of properties that are owned, insured or subsidized by HUD, including public housing and multifamily assisted housing. About 20,000 such inspections are conducted each year to ensure that assisted families have housing that is decent, safe, sanitary and in good repair. The data provided with this resource offers a full historical view of the results of those inspections, providing point-in-time property scores.
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This report provides a weekly summary of deaths with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) by select geographic and demographic variables. In this release, counts of deaths are provided by the race and Hispanic origin of the decedent.
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This listing contains factors for supply chain in US using USEEIO models.
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This phylogeny shows evolutionary relationships of hCoV-19 (or SARS-CoV-2) viruses from the ongoing novel coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic.
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This release contains information on the value of non-defense capital goods in the United States, excluding contributions by aircraft-related industries.
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This release contains information on the returns of presidential elections from 2000-2016. There's data for each county in the United States, how many votes were cast on a candidate who represented their political party (i.e. Democrat, Republican, etc.), and total votes for each county. Included in this data is also various information on each county.
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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides free and open access to various health related data. This release contains CDC Science Clips which is an online bibliographic digest featuring scientific articles and publications that are shared with the public health community each week, to enhance awareness of emerging scientific knowledge.
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The Gemini Data Exchange provides historical open, high, low, and close(OHLC) prices and volume amount. The data presented shows cyptocurrency prices based in terms of USD and other cryptocurrencies(i.e. BTC in USD compared to ETH in BTC). The data also provides historical trade prices which are prices at which actual trades took place between a buyer and a seller.
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