About FactSet (for Redshift)
FactSet (NYSE:FDS | NASDAQ:FDS) delivers superior content, analytics, and flexible technology to help more than 160,000 users see and seize opportunity sooner. We give investment professionals the edge to outperform with informed insights, workflow solutions across the portfolio lifecycle, and industry-leading support from dedicated specialists. Subscribe to our thought leadership blog to get fresh insight delivered daily at insight.factset.com. Learn more at www.factset.com and follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/factset.
FactSet (for Redshift)
FactSet (for Redshift) Products (34)
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- Sold by FactSet (for Redshift)
Free | 12 month subscription available.
Gain on-demand access to historical tick data across 300+ global venues for 18+ million instruments. Explore asset types such as equities, futures, options, warrants, fixed income, mutual funds, ETFs, indices, commodities, and FX. Access trade and BBO quote messages for 10+ years across the majority of venues with Level 1 Tick History. Discover the market-by-price for major U.S. and European markets with Level 2 Tick History, derived from BMLL granular Level 3 data.
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Free | 1 month subscription available.
Gain instant access to personal and professional information for individuals associated with over 1.3 million firms, including public and private companies and financial sponsors, as well as private equity firms and investment professionals. Active and historical employment, board positions and select job details are included.
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Free | 1 month subscription available.
Gain access to 10+ years of daily point-in-time consensus estimates. Updated daily, FactSet's point-in-time consensus estimates are aggregated from a wide base of contributors and cover over 19,000 active companies across 90+ countries. The point-in-time consensus estimates database shows data as it was on each day and is not adjusted for broker estimates that were not available as of the consensus date, dilutions, QA corrections, or changes to the default currency.
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Free | 1 month subscription available.
The FactSet Private Equity feed contains comprehensive information on thousands of global private equity and venture capital firms. You can access information about a firm’s venture capital financing rounds, view in-depth company profiles and investment trends, analyze industry and geographic holdings, as well as discover potential investments and buys.
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Free | 1 month subscription available.
FactSet’s Solvency II solution provides asset managers and asset owners with a consolidated source of data and analytics to maintain compliance with the European Union’s Solvency II capital and quantitative reporting requirements, which regulate all insurance and reinsurance activity in the EU.
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Free | 1 month subscription available.
FactSet Revere Supply Chain Relationships data is built to expose business relationship interconnections among companies globally. This feed provides access to the complex networks of companies' key customers, suppliers, competitors, and strategic partners, collected from annual filings, investor presentations, and press releases.
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Free | 1 month subscription available.
The FactSet Mergers data feed provides global merger and acquisition information for over 500,000 announced mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, and spin-offs involving both public and private companies. In addition to deal terms and details, this feed identifies participants, attitudes, and company details at the time of the announcement.
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Free | 1 month subscription available.
Find details for over 1.7 million corporate events, such as conference call date and time, phone number and password, type of conference call, and investor relations contact information. Transcript participants are mapped to FactSet symbology, allowing users to perform analysis on firms, individuals, analysts, and brokers using FactSet’s permanent identifiers. Data Frequency: Event Update Frequency: Intraday
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Free | 1 month subscription available.
Short-term, long-term & momentum external stakeholder insight scores are generated for 26 ESG categories defined by the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board, along with an overall score and a volume score. The scores can be used to systematically identify ESG industry leaders and laggards, and easily combine TVL SASB scores with proprietary or third-party data to produce composite scores
- Sold by FactSet (for Redshift)
Free | 1 month subscription available.
SDG Scores DataFeed provides scores based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals based on a third-party stakeholder perspective for 26,000+ companies including: - Insight score - Pulse score - Volume score - Momentum score
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