About Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative
The Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative (ASDI) seeks to accelerate sustainability research and innovation by minimizing the cost and time required to acquire and analyze large sustainability data sets. Unless specifically stated in the applicable data set documentation, ASDI data sets available through the Registry of Open Data on AWS are not provided or maintained by AWS. Data sets are provided and maintained by a variety of third parties under a variety of licenses. Please check data set licenses and related documentation to determine if a data set may be used for you application.
Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative
Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative Products (215)
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Free | Publicly available
Digital Earth Africa's cropland extent map (2019) shows the estimated location of croplands in Africa for the period January to December 2019. Cropland is defined as: "a piece of land of minimum 0.01 ha (a single 10m x 10m pixel) that is sowed/planted and harvest-able at least once within the 12 months after the sowing/planting date." This definition will exclude non-planted grazing lands and perennial crops which can be difficult for satellite imagery to differentiate from natural vegetation. This provisional cropland extent map has a resolution of 10m, and was built using Copernicus Sentinel-2 satellite images from 2019. The cropland extent map was produced using extensive training data from regions across Africa, coupled with a Random Forest machine learning model. The continental service contains maps built separately for eight Agro-Ecological Zones (AEZs). For a detailed exploration of the methods used to produce the cropland extent map, read the Jupyter Notebooks in DE Afri[...]
Free | Publicly available
Community provided bathymetry data collected in collaboration with the International Hydrographic Organization.
Free | Publicly available
This dataset contains soil infrared spectral data and paired soil property reference measurements for georeferenced soil samples that were collected through the Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project, which lasted from 2009 through 2018. In this release, we include data collected during Phase I (2009-2013.) Georeferenced samples were collected from 19 countries in Sub-Saharan African using a statistically sound sampling scheme, and their soil properties were analyzed using both conventional soil testing methods and spectral methods (infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy). The two types of data can be paired to form a training dataset for machine learning, such that certain soil properties can be well-predicted through less expensive spectral techniques.
Free | Publicly available
EarthDEM - 2m GSD Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) and mosaics from 2002 to the present. The EarthDEM project seeks to fill the need for high-resolution time-series elevation data in non-polar regions. The time-dependent nature of the strip DEM files allows users to perform change detection analysis and to compare observations of topography data acquired in different seasons or years. The mosaic DEM tiles are assembled from multiple strip DEMs with the intention of providing a more consistent and comprehensive product over large areas. EarthDEM data is constructed from in-track and cross-track high-resolution (~0.5 meter) imagery acquired by the Maxar constellation of optical imaging satellites. Only a portion of the worldwide EarthDEM dataset is available publicly. Federally-funded researchers may access the entire dataset via NASA CSDA's Smallsat Data Explorer (see Data at Work section).
Free | Publicly available
Global Surface Summary of the Day is derived from The Integrated Surface Hourly (ISH) dataset. The ISH dataset includes global data obtained from the USAF Climatology Center, located in the Federal Climate Complex with NCDC. The latest daily summary data are normally available 1-2 days after the date-time of the observations used in the daily summaries. The online data files begin with 1929 and are at the time of this writing at the Version 8 software level. Over 9000 stations' data are typically available. The daily elements included in the dataset (as available from each station) are: Mean temperature (.1 Fahrenheit) Mean dew point (.1 Fahrenheit) Mean sea level pressure (.1 mb) Mean station pressure (.1 mb) Mean visibility (.1 miles) Mean wind speed (.1 knots) Maximum sustained wind speed (.1 knots) Maximum wind gust (.1 knots) Maximum temperature (.1 Fahrenheit) Minimum temperature (.1 Fahrenheit) Precipitation [...]
Free | Publicly available
This bucket contains multiple datasets (as Quilt packages) created by the Center for Geospatial Sciences (CGS) at the University of California-Riverside. The data in this bucket contains the following: 1) Tabular and geographic data from the US Census 2) Land Cover imagery collected from Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics Consortium 3) Road network data processed from OpenStreetMap
Free | Publicly available
The NOAA UFS Marine Reanalysis is a global sea ice ocean coupled reanalysis product produced by the marine data assimilation team of the UFS Research-to-Operation (R2O) project. Underlying forecast and data assimilation systems are based on the UFS model prototype version-6 and the Next Generation Global Ocean Data Assimilation System (NG-GODAS) release of the Joint Effort for Data assimilation Integration (JEDI) Sea Ice Ocean Coupled Assimilation (SOCA). Covering the 40 year reanalysis time period from 1979 to 2019, the data atmosphere option of the UFS coupled global atmosphere ocean sea ice (DATM-MOM6-CICE6) model was applied with two atmospheric forcing data sets: CFSR from 1979 to 1999 and GEFS from 2000 to 2019. Assimilated observation data sets include extensive space-based marine observations and conventional direct measurements of in situ profile data sets. This first UFS-marine interim reanalysis product is released to the broader weather and earth system mode[...]
Free | Publicly available
The Copernicus DEM is a Digital Surface Model (DSM) which represents the surface of the Earth including buildings, infrastructure and vegetation. We provide two instances of Copernicus DEM named GLO-30 Public and GLO-90. GLO-90 provides worldwide coverage at 90 meters. GLO-30 Public provides limited worldwide coverage at 30 meters because a small subset of tiles covering specific countries are not yet released to the public by the Copernicus Programme. Note that in both cases ocean areas do not have tiles, there one can assume height values equal to zero. Data is provided as Cloud Optimized GeoTIFFs and comes from Copernicus DEM 2021 release.
Free | Publicly available
The Sentinel-2 mission is a land monitoring constellation of two satellites that provide high resolution optical imagery and provide continuity for the current SPOT and Landsat missions. The mission provides a global coverage of the Earth's land surface every 5 days, making the data of great use in ongoing studies. This dataset is the same as the Sentinel-2 dataset, except the JP2K files were converted into Cloud-Optimized GeoTIFFs (COGs). Additionally, SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog metadata has were in a JSON file alongside the data, and a STAC API called Earth-search is freely available to search the archive. This dataset contains all of the scenes in the original Sentinel-2 Public Dataset and will grow as that does. L2A data are available from April 2017 over wider Europe region and globally since December 2018.
Free | Publicly available
Released to the public as part of the Department of Energy's Open Energy Data Initiative, the Wind Integration National Dataset (WIND) is an update and expansion of the Eastern Wind Integration Data Set and Western Wind Integration Data Set. It supports the next generation of wind integration studies.
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