About Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative
The Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative (ASDI) seeks to accelerate sustainability research and innovation by minimizing the cost and time required to acquire and analyze large sustainability data sets. Unless specifically stated in the applicable data set documentation, ASDI data sets available through the Registry of Open Data on AWS are not provided or maintained by AWS. Data sets are provided and maintained by a variety of third parties under a variety of licenses. Please check data set licenses and related documentation to determine if a data set may be used for you application.
Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative
Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative Products (215)
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Free | Publicly available
The Multi-Year Reanalysis of Remotely Sensed Storms (MYRORSS) consists of radar reflectivity data run through the Multi-Radar, Multi-Sensor (MRMS) framework to create a three-dimensional radar volume on a quasi-Cartesian latitude-longitude grid across the entire contiguous United States. The radar reflectivity grid is also combined with hourly forecast model analyses to produce derived products such as echo top heights and hail size estimates. Radar Doppler velocity data was also processed into two azimuthal shear layer products. The source radar data was from the NEXRAD Level-II archive and the model analyses came from NOAA's Rapid Update Cycle model. Radar reflectivity was quality controlled to remove non-weather echoes and the data set was manually quality contolled to remove errors as revealed through inspection of dai[...]
Free | Publicly available
The WorldCover 10m Annual Composites were produced, as part of the European Space Agency (ESA) WorldCover project, from the yearly Copernicus Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 archives for both years 2020 and 2021. These global mosaics consists of four products composites. A Sentinel-2 RGBNIR yearly median composite for bands B02, B03, B04, B08. A Sentinel-2 SWIR yearly median composite for bands B11 and B12. A Sentinel-2 NDVI yearly percentiles composite (NDVI 90th, NDVI 50th NDVI 10th percentiles). A Sentinel-1 GAMMA0 yearly median composite for bands VV, VH and VH/VV (power scaled). Each product is delivered as a series of Cloud-Optimized GeoTIFFs (COGs) in WSG84 projection in a grid of 1 by 1 degrees and at 0.3 arc seconds resolution (approx. 10m), except for the SWIR composite which is delivered at 0.6 arc seconds (approx. 20m). The Sentinel-2 composites were produced from the L2A archive. The GAMMA0 composite was produced by pre-processing the Sentinel-1 GRD products using [GAMMA so[...]
Free | Publicly available
The HRRR is a NOAA real-time 3-km resolution, hourly updated, cloud-resolving, convection-allowing atmospheric model, initialized by 3km grids with 3km radar assimilation. Radar data is assimilated in the HRRR every 15 min over a 1-h period adding further detail to that provided by the hourly data assimilation from the 13km radar-enhanced Rapid Refresh. The HRRR ZARR formatted data was originally generated by the University of Utah under a grant provided by NOAA. They are are continuing to publish ZARR versions of HRRR data. For information about data in the s3://hrrrzarr/ please contact atmos-mesowest@lists.utah.edu.
Free | Publicly available
This dataset is Lidar data that has been collected by the Scottish public sector and made available under the Open Government Licence. The data are available as point cloud (LAS format or in LAZ compressed format), along with the derived Digital Terrain Model (DTM) and Digital Surface Model (DSM) products as Cloud optimized GeoTIFFs (COG) or standard GeoTIFF. The dataset contains multiple subsets of data which were each commissioned and flown in response to different organisational requirements. The details of each can be found at https://remotesensingdata.gov.scot/data#/list
Free | Publicly available
This is a 20-year global wave reforecast generated by WAVEWATCH III model (https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/WW3) forced by GEFSv12 winds (https://noaa-gefs-retrospective.s3.amazonaws.com/index.html). The wave ensemble was run with one cycle per day (at 03Z), spatial resolution of 0.25°X0.25° and temporal resolution of 3 hours. There are five ensemble members (control plus four perturbed members) and, once a week (Wednesdays), the ensemble is expanded to eleven members. The forecast range is 16 days and, once a week (Wednesdays), it extends to 35 days. More information about the wave modeling, wave grids and calibration can be found in the WAVEWATCH III regtest ww3ufs1.3 (https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/WW3/tree/develop/regtests/ww3ufs1.3). The 20 years of reforecast results were analyzed and quality-controlled. Three output types are available 1) Global wave fields, in grib2 format, with several variables including significant wave height, period, direction, and par[...]
Free | Publicly available
The US National Center for Atmospheric Research partnered with the IBS Center for Climate Physics in South Korea to generate the CESM2 Large Ensemble which consists of 100 ensemble members at 1 degree spatial resolution covering the period 1850-2100 under CMIP6 historical and SSP370 future radiative forcing scenarios. Data sets from this ensemble were made downloadable via the Climate Data Gateway on June 14th, 2021. NCAR has copied a subset (currently ~500 TB) of CESM2 LENS data to Amazon S3 as part of the AWS Public Datasets Program. To optimize for large-scale analytics we have represented the data as ~275 Zarr stores format accessible through the Python Xarray library. Each Zarr store contains a single physical variable for a given model run type and temporal frequency (monthly, daily).
Free | Publicly available
SondeHub Radiosonde telemetry contains global radiosonde (weather balloon) data captured by SondeHub from our participating radiosondeautorx receiving stations. radiosondeautorx is a open source project aimed at receiving and decoding telemetry from airborne radiosondes using software-defined-radio techniques, enabling study of the telemetry and sometimes recovery of the radiosonde itself. Currently 313 receiver stations are providing data for an average of 384 radiosondes a day. The data within this repository contains received telemetry frames, including radiosonde type, gps position, and for some radiosondes atmospheric sensor data (temperature, humidity, pressure). As the downlinked telemetry does not always contain calibration information, any atmospheric sensor data should be considered to be uncalibrated. Note that radiosondeautorx does not have sensor data support for all radiosonde types.
Free | Publicly available
A global dataset providing bare-earth terrain heights, tiled for easy usage and provided on S3.
Free | Publicly available
The New Jersey Office of GIS, NJ Office of Information Technology manages a series of 11 digital orthophotography and scanned aerial photo maps collected at various years ranging from 1930 to 2017. Each year’s worth of imagery are available as Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG) files and some years are available as compressed MrSID and/or JP2 files. Additionally, each year of imagery is organized into a tile grid scheme covering the entire geography of New Jersey. Many years share the same tiling grid while others have unique grids as defined by the project at the time.
Free | Publicly available
S-111 is a data and metadata encoding specification that is part of the S-100 Universal Hydrographic Data Model, an international standard for hydrographic data. This collection of data contains surface water currents forecast guidance from NOAA/NOS Operational Forecast Systems, a set of operational hydrodynamic nowcast and forecast modeling systems, for various U.S. coastal waters and the great lakes. The collection also contains surface current forecast guidance output from the NCEP Global Real-Time Ocean Forecast System (GRTOFS) for some offshore areas. These datasets are encoded as HDF-5 files conforming to the S-111 specification, and are geospatially subset into individual tiles conforming to the NOAA/OCS Nautical Product Tiling Scheme, with filenames indicating the corresponding NOAA Electronic Navigational Chart (ENC) Cell Identifier. A full set of S-1[...]
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