About Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative
The Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative (ASDI) seeks to accelerate sustainability research and innovation by minimizing the cost and time required to acquire and analyze large sustainability data sets. Unless specifically stated in the applicable data set documentation, ASDI data sets available through the Registry of Open Data on AWS are not provided or maintained by AWS. Data sets are provided and maintained by a variety of third parties under a variety of licenses. Please check data set licenses and related documentation to determine if a data set may be used for you application.
Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative
Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative Products (215)
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Free | Publicly available
Global Hydro-Estimator provides a global mosaic imagery of rainfall estimates from multi-geostationary satellites, which currently includes GOES-16, GOES-15, Meteosat-8, Meteosat-11 and Himawari-8. The GHE products include: Instantaneous rain rate, 1 hour, 3 hour, 6 hour, 24 hour and also multi-day rainfall accumulation.
Free | Publicly available
Lidar (light detection and ranging) is a technology that can measure the 3-dimentional location of objects, including the solid earth surface. The data consists of a point cloud of the positions of solid objects that reflected a laser pulse, typically from an airborne platform. In addition to the position, each point may also be attributed by the type of object it reflected from, the intensity of the reflection, and other system dependent metadata. The NOAA Coastal Lidar Data is a collection of lidar projects from many different sources and agencies, geographically focused on the coastal areas of the United States of America. The data is provided in Entwine Point Tiles (EPT; https://entwine.io) format, which is a lossless streamable octree of the point cloud, and in LAZ format. Datasets are maintained in their original projects and care should be taken when merging projects. The coordinate reference system for the data is The NAD83(2011) UTM zone appropriate for the center of each[...]
Free | Publicly available
Water-column sonar data archived at the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information.
Free | Publicly available
The mission of the Ocean Climate Stations (OCS) Project is to make meteorological and oceanic measurements from autonomous platforms. Calibrated, quality-controlled, and well-documented climatological measurements are available on the OCS webpage and the OceanSITES Global Data Assembly Centers (GDACs), with near-realtime data available prior to release of the complete, downloaded datasets. OCS measurements served through the Big Data Program come from OCS high-latitude moored buoys located in the Kuroshio Extension (32°N 145°E) and the Gulf of Alaska (50°N 145°W). Initiated in 2004 and 2007, the respective moored buoys, KEO and Papa, measure a suite of surface and subsurface essential ocean variables. The surface suite includes air temperature, relative humidity, shortwave and longwave radiation, barometric pressure, winds, and rain, while subsurface instrumentation includes temperature, salinity, and ocean currents. Individual buoy deployments are stitched tog[...]
Free | Publicly available
NOTICE - The Coast Survey Development Laboratory (CSDL) in NOAA/National Ocean Service (NOS)/Office of Coast Survey has upgraded the Surge and Tide Operational Forecast System (STOFS, formerly ESTOFS) to Version 2.1. A Service Change Notice (SCN) has been issued and can be found "HERE" NOAA's Global Surge and Tide Operational Forecast System 2-D (STOFS-2D-Global) provides users with nowcasts (analyses of near present conditions) and forecast guidance of water level conditions for the entire globe. STOFS-2D-Global has been developed to serve the marine navigation, weather forecasting, and disaster mitigation user communities. STOFS-2D-Global was developed in a collaborative effort between the NOAA/National Ocean Service (NOS)/Office of Coast Survey, the NOAA/National Weather Service (NWS)/National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Central Operations (NCO), the Uni[...]
Free | Publicly available
Released to the public as part of the Department of Energy's Open Energy Data Initiative, the National Solar Radiation Database (NSRDB) is a serially complete collection of hourly and half-hourly values of the three most common measurements of solar radiation – global horizontal, direct normal, and diffuse horizontal irradiance — and meteorological data. These data have been collected at a sufficient number of locations and temporal and spatial scales to accurately represent regional solar radiation climates.
Free | Publicly available
The flagship Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) model developed and used at the Met Office, is the Unified Model, the same model is used for both weather and climate prediction. For weather forecasting the Met Office runs several configurations of the Unified Model as part of its operational Numerical Weather Prediction suite. The global ensemble (MOGREPS-G) produces forecasts for the whole globe up to a week ahead. The projection used is the Equirectangular Latitude-Longitude and the grid resolution is 20km. The forecast is updated regularly with a 4-hour time delay and formatted via NetCDF. Please note this is a public beta and therefore a non-operational service.
Free | Publicly available
This dataset, produced by Impact Observatory, Microsoft, and Esri, displays a global map of land use and land cover (LULC) derived from ESA Sentinel-2 imagery at 10 meter resolution for the years 2017 - 2023. Each map is a composite of LULC predictions for 9 classes throughout the year in order to generate a representative snapshot of each year. This dataset was generated by Impact Observatory, which used billions of human-labeled pixels (curated by the National Geographic Society) to train a deep learning model for land classification. Each global map was produced by applying this model to the Sentinel-2 annual scene collections from the Mircosoft Planetary Computer. Each of the maps has an assessed average accuracy of over 75%. These maps have been improved from Impact Observatory’s previous release and provide a relative reduction in the amount of anomalous change between classes, particularly between “Bare” and any of the vegetative classes “Trees,” “Crops,” “Flooded V[...]
Free | Publicly available
Released to the public as part of the Department of Energy's Open Energy Data Initiative, this is the highest resolution publicly available long-term wave hindcast dataset that – when complete – will cover the entire U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).
Free | Publicly available
The Sentinel-2 mission is part of the European Union Copernicus programme for Earth observations. Sentinel-2 consists of twin satellites, Sentinel-2A (launched 23 June 2015) and Sentinel-2B (launched 7 March 2017). The two satellites have the same orbit, but 180° apart for optimal coverage and data delivery. Their combined data is used in the Digital Earth Africa Sentinel-2 product. Together, they cover all Earth’s land surfaces, large islands, inland and coastal waters every 3-5 days. Sentinel-2 data is tiered by level of pre-processing. Level-0, Level-1A and Level-1B data contain raw data from the satellites, with little to no pre-processing. Level-1C data is surface reflectance measured at the top of the atmosphere. This is processed using the Sen2Cor algorithm to give Level-2A, the bottom-of-atmosphere reflectance (Obregón et al, 2019). Level-2A data is the most ideal for research activities as it allows further analysis without applying additional atmospheric corrections. The[...]
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