About Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative
The Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative (ASDI) seeks to accelerate sustainability research and innovation by minimizing the cost and time required to acquire and analyze large sustainability data sets. Unless specifically stated in the applicable data set documentation, ASDI data sets available through the Registry of Open Data on AWS are not provided or maintained by AWS. Data sets are provided and maintained by a variety of third parties under a variety of licenses. Please check data set licenses and related documentation to determine if a data set may be used for you application.
Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative
Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative Products (215)
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Free | Publicly available
The flagship Numerical Weather Prediction model developed and used at the Met Office, is the Unified Model, the same model is used for both weather and climate prediction. For weather forecasting the Met Office runs several configurations of the Unified Model as part of its operational Numerical Weather Prediction suite. Uncovering 2 years' worth of historical data, updated regularly with a time delay. The Global deterministic model is a global configuration of the Met Office Unified Models providing the most accurate short range deterministic forecast by any national meteorological service covering a six-day period. It can produce selected hourly data covering the first 48 hours at surface level and at standard pressure levels twice a day. The model’s initial state is kept close to the real atmosphere using hybrid 4D-Var data assimilation. Formatted via NetCDF. Please note this is a public beta and therefore a non-operational service.
Free | Publicly available
Sentinel-1 is a pair of European radar imaging (SAR) satellites launched in 2014 and 2016. Its 6 days revisit cycle and ability to observe through clouds makes it perfect for sea and land monitoring, emergency response due to environmental disasters, and economic applications. This dataset represents the global Sentinel-1 GRD archive, from beginning to the present, converted to cloud-optimized GeoTIFF format.
Free | Publicly available
ANNOUNCEMENTS: NOS OFS Version Updates and Implementation of Upgraded Oceanographic Forecast Modeling Systems for Lakes Superior and Ontario; Effective October 25, 2022}(https://www.weather.gov/media/notification/pdf2/scn22-91nosloofslsofsv3.pdf) For decades, mariners in the United States have depended on NOAA's Tide Tables for the best estimate of expected water levels. These tables provide accurate predictions of the astronomical tide (i.e., the change in water level due to the gravitational effects of the moon and sun and the rotation of the Earth); however, they cannot predict water-level changes due to wind, atmospheric pressure, and river flow, which are often significant. The National Ocean Service (NOS) has the mission and mandate to provide guidance and information to support navigation and coastal needs. To support this mission, NOS has been developing and implementing hydrodynamic model-based [Operational Forecast Systems
Free | Publicly available
GeoNet provides geological hazard information for Aotearoa New Zealand. This dataset contains data and products recorded by the GeoNet sensor network. GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) data include raw data in proprietary and Receiver Independent Exchange Format (RINEX) and local tie-in survey conducted during equipment changes, more details can be found on the GeoNet geodetic page website. Coastal gauge data include relative measurement of sea level measured by tsunami monitoring gauges. Raw and quality control data are provided in CREX format (Character Form for the Representtion and eXchange of metereological data), more details can be found on the GeoNet coastal tsunami monitoring gauges page. Camera images data include webcam images from the GeoNet Volcano monitoring network and Built Environment Instrumentation Programme, more details can [...]
Free | Publicly available
The Reference Elevation Model of Antarctica - 2m GSD Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) and mosaics from 2009 to the present. The REMA project seeks to fill the need for high-resolution time-series elevation data in the Antarctic. The time-dependent nature of the strip DEM files allows users to perform change detection analysis and to compare observations of topography data acquired in different seasons or years. The mosaic DEM tiles are assembled from multiple strip DEMs with the intention of providing a more consistent and comprehensive product over large areas. REMA data is constructed from in-track and cross-track high-resolution (~0.5 meter) imagery acquired by the Maxar constellation of optical imaging satellites.
Free | Publicly available
NOAA's Climate Data Records (CDRs) are robust, sustainable, and scientifically sound climate records that provide trustworthy information on how, where, and to what extent the land, oceans, atmosphere and ice sheets are changing. These datasets are thoroughly vetted time series measurements with the longevity, consistency, and continuity to assess and measure climate variability and change. NOAA CDRs are vetted using standards established by the National Research Council (NRC). Climate Data Records are created by merging data from surface, atmosphere, and space-based systems across decades. NOAA’s Climate Data Records provides authoritative and traceable long-term climate records. NOAA developed CDRs by applying modern data analysis methods to historical global satellite data. This process can clarify the underlying climate trends within the data and allows researchers and other users to identify economic and scientific value in these records. NCEI maintains and extends [...]
Free | Publicly available
The NA-CORDEX dataset contains regional climate change scenario data and guidance for North America, for use in impacts, decision-making, and climate science. The NA-CORDEX data archive contains output from regional climate models (RCMs) run over a domain covering most of North America using boundary conditions from global climate model (GCM) simulations in the CMIP5 archive. These simulations run from 1950–2100 with a spatial resolution of 0.22°/25km or 0.44°/50km. This AWS S3 version of the data includes selected variables converted to Zarr format from the original NetCDF. Only daily data are currently available; all daily data were mapped to the Gregorian calendar. Sub-daily data may be added later. Both raw and bias-corrected data are available. Further details about this version of the dataset are available at the documentation link below.
Free | Publicly available
HIRLAM (High Resolution Limited Area Model) is an operational synoptic and mesoscale weather prediction model managed by the Finnish Meteorological Institute.
Free | Publicly available
The Global Forecast System (GFS) is a weather forecast model produced by the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP). Dozens of atmospheric and land-soil variables are available through this dataset, from temperatures, winds, and precipitation to soil moisture and atmospheric ozone concentration. The GFS data files stored here can be immediately used for OAR/ARL’s NOAA-EPA Atmosphere-Chemistry Coupler Cloud (NACC-Cloud) tool, and are in a Network Common Data Form (netCDF), which is a very common format used across the scientific community. These particular GFS files contain a comprehensive number of global atmosphere/land variables at a relatively high spatiotemporal resolution (~13x13 km horizontal, vertical resolution of 127 levels, and hourly), are not only necessary for the NACC-Cloud tool to adequately drive community air quality applications (e.g., U.S. EPA’[...]
Free | Publicly available
The Sentinel-1 mission is a constellation of C-band Synthetic Aperature Radar (SAR) satellites from the European Space Agency launched since 2014. These satellites collect observations of radar backscatter intensity day or night, regardless of the weather conditions, making them enormously valuable for environmental monitoring. These radar data have been processed from original Ground Range Detected (GRD) scenes into a Radiometrically Terrain Corrected, tiled product suitable for analysis. This product is available over the Contiguous United States (CONUS) since 2017 when Sentinel-1 data became globally available.
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