About Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative
The Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative (ASDI) seeks to accelerate sustainability research and innovation by minimizing the cost and time required to acquire and analyze large sustainability data sets. Unless specifically stated in the applicable data set documentation, ASDI data sets available through the Registry of Open Data on AWS are not provided or maintained by AWS. Data sets are provided and maintained by a variety of third parties under a variety of licenses. Please check data set licenses and related documentation to determine if a data set may be used for you application.
Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative
Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative Products (215)
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Free | Publicly available
The S1 Single Look Complex (SLC) dataset contains Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data in the C-Band wavelength. The SAR sensors are installed on a two-satellite (Sentinel-1A and Sentinel-1B) constellation orbiting the Earth with a combined revisit time of six days, operated by the European Space Agency. The S1 SLC data are a Level-1 product that collects radar amplitude and phase information in all-weather, day or night conditions, which is ideal for studying natural hazards and emergency response, land applications, oil spill monitoring, sea-ice conditions, and associated climate change effects.
Free | Publicly available
The Integrated Surface Database (ISD) consists of global hourly and synoptic observations compiled from numerous sources into a gzipped fixed width format. ISD was developed as a joint activity within Asheville's Federal Climate Complex. The database includes over 35,000 stations worldwide, with some having data as far back as 1901, though the data show a substantial increase in volume in the 1940s and again in the early 1970s. Currently, there are over 14,000 "active" stations updated daily in the database. The total uncompressed data volume is around 600 gigabytes; however, it continues to grow as more data are added. ISD includes numerous parameters such as wind speed and direction, wind gust, temperature, dew point, cloud data, sea level pressure, altimeter setting, station pressure, present weather, visibility, precipitation amounts for various time periods, snow depth, and various other elements as observed by each station.
Free | Publicly available
Various kinds of weather raw data and charts from Central Weather Bureau.
Free | Publicly available
Air Quality is a global SILAM atmospheric composition and air quality forecast performed on a daily basis for > 100 species and covering the troposphere and the stratosphere. The output produces 3D concentration fields and aerosol optical thickness. The data are unique: 20km resolution for global AQ models is unseen worldwide.
Free | Publicly available
This repository contains references to datasets published to the NOAA Open Data Dissemination Program. These reference datasets serve as index files to the original data by mapping to the Zarr V2 specification. When multidimensional model output is read through zarr, data can be lazily loaded (i.e. retrieving only the data chunks needed for processing) and data reads can be scaled horizontally to optimize object storage read performance. The process used to optimize the data is called kerchunk. RPS runs the workflow in their AWS cloud environment every time a new data notification is received from a relevant source data bucket. These are the current datasets being cloud-optimized. Refer to those pages for file naming conventions and other information regarding the specific model imp[...]
Free | Publicly available
Projects that use the dsgrid toolkit assemble bottom-up descriptions of electricity demand and related data that are highly resolved geographically, temporally, and sectorally. Typically modelers describe multiple scenarios of future energy use at hourly resolution, suitable for inclusion in long-term power system planning models, i.e., capacity expansion and production cost models.
Free | Publicly available
The Global Carbon Budget (GCB) is recognised globally as the most comprehensive report on global carbon emissions and sinks. This dataset, updated every year, includes estimates of land and ocean carbon fluxes from the suite of models used in the report.
Free | Publicly available
S-102 is a data and metadata encoding specification that is part of the S-100 Universal Hydrographic Data Model, an international standard for hydrographic data exchange. This collection of data contains bathymetric surfaces from NOAA/NOS/OCS National Bathymetric Source, for various U.S. coastal and offshore waters and the great lakes. These datasets are encoded as HDF5 files conforming to the S-102 specification.
Free | Publicly available
Global, aggregated physical air quality data from public data sources provided by government, research-grade and other sources. These awesome groups do the hard work of measuring these data and publicly sharing them, and our community makes them more universally-accessible to both humans and machines.
Free | Publicly available
Data released from projects funded by the Department of Energy's Geothermal Technologies Office (DOE GTO) that are too large or complex to be conveniently accessed by traditional means. The GDR data lake aims to improve and automate access of high-value geothermal data sets, making data actionable and discoverable by researchers and industry to accelerate analysis and advance innovation. This data lake is a sister-data lake to the Department of Energy’s Open Energy Data Initiative (OEDI) Data Lake.
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