SNI 27001

Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) is the Indonesian National Standard and is comprised of a set of standards nationally applicable in Indonesia. One of the SNI standards is the SNI 27001 which provides a framework for the development and implementation of an effective information security management system (ISMS). An ISMS implemented according to this standard is a tool for risk management, cyber-resilience and operational excellence.
AWS is certified for compliance with SNI 27001. The assessment was conducted by an independent third-party auditor accredited by the Komite Akreditasi Nasional (KAN/National Accreditation Committee), per regulations in Indonesia.
Which AWS Regions are covered?
The SNI 27001 certification covers the AWS Asia Pacific (Jakarta) Region in Indonesia.
In addition, AWS also maintains a global certification for ISO/IEC 27001 compliance, covering other AWS Regions. For more information, see the ISO/IEC 27001 compliance page.
What AWS services are in scope for the SNI 27001 certification?
The AWS services that are in scope for the SNI ISO/IEC 27001:2022 certification can be found on SNI27001 Services in scope. If you would like to learn more about using these services or have interest in other services, please contact us. Certificate can be downloaded from AWS Artifact.
Who performs the SNI 27001 certification audit for AWS?
An independent third-party auditor accredited by the Komite Akreditasi Nasional (KAN/National Accreditation Committee) in Indonesia performs the SNI 27001 certification audit for AWS.
Can I get a copy of the AWS SNI 27001 certification?
Yes. The SNI 27001 certificate can be downloaded from AWS Artifact.