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Resources Data (558 results) showing 1 - 10

Free | 12 month subscription available.

Free sample dataset of 1000 high-res images and accompanying metadata sourced from our +550 million image library. This type of data can be licensed from Shutterstock for a wide variety of use cases including powering Generative AI and Computer Vision models.

Free | 1 month subscription available.

Analyze hiring trends, spot emerging roles and technologies, and discover potential leads. This dataset can boost your sales, market, recruitment, or competitive intelligence! Extract actionable insights into other companies, markets, services, or technologies. This free dataset provides job...

Free | 1 month subscription available.

This is a sample dataset containing products listed on the portal in the Electronics category. The full version of this dataset with 1.5M+ products is available upon request.

Free | 12 month subscription available.

FREE COMPANY SAMPLE REPORT PROVIDED 1. Credit report generated using public data sources (does not require consent). 2. Available for any commercial entity globally (200+ countries). 3. Includes Company profile, detailed financials, directorship info and more. Purchase order for any specific...

Free | 12 month subscription available.

Get the most accurate historical weather information for millions of locations worldwide and generate AI-driven insights to train your models and predict weather's impact on your business. Fine-tuned for every location around the globe and customizable per your business needs,'s...

Free | 12 month subscription available.

This release contains information on the amount of vehicles sold per month in the United States.