Preqin Fundraising data for Hedge Funds
Provided By: Preqin

Preqin Fundraising data for Hedge Funds
Provided By: Preqin
This data set provides all institutional investors and contact details that Preqin currently tracks as active in the Hedge Funds asset class.
Product offers
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Public offer
Payment schedule: Upfront payment | Offer auto-renewal: Not supported
$0 for 1 month
Preqin Hedge Funds Fundraising Data
The Preqin Hedge Funds Fundraising Data set provides a view of all institutional investors that Preqin currently tracks as active in the Hedge Funds asset class. This data set contains in excess of 100 data points covering several thousand institutional investors who are currently known to be actively investing in Hedge Funds.
Applicable Industries for Data Product Usage
This data will be of interest for anyone interested in tracking capital flows in Hedge Funds
Use Cases
This data can be used for a variety of uses, including:
- Fundraising and prospecting
- Reporting and MI
- Fundraising and prospecting
- Market analysis
- Direct ingestion in a CRM
Description | Value |
Update Frequency | Daily |
Data Source(s) | Preqin Pro |
Original Publisher of data | Preqin |
Geographic coverage | Global |
Data Set(s) Format(s) | .CSV |
Key Words | Investors, LP, Hedge Funds |
Data points
The full data set contains over 140 points, including (but not limited to the below).
Field | Description |
FIRM ID | Unique firm identifier |
FIRM NAME | Name of firm |
FIRM TYPE | Type of firm |
CITY | City firm's main office is based |
COUNTRY | Country firm's main office is based in |
AUM (USD MN) | Assets under management in US dollars |
REGION | Region firm's main office is based in |
ADDRESS | Street address of firm |
FUNDS COUNT | Number of known commitments made by that investor |
STATE/COUNTY | State or county of the firm's main office |
ZIP CODE | Zip code/post code of the firm's main office |
WEBSITE | Website of the firm |
Email address of the firm | |
TEL | Telephone number of the firm |
FAX | Fax number of the firm |
GENERAL CONSULTANT | Firm's general investment consultant |
SECONDARY LOCATIONS | Secondary office locations of the firm |
YEAR EST | Year firm was established |
INVESTOR CURRENCY | Currency the firm invests in |
AUM (CURR MN) | Assets under management in investor currency |
AUM (EUR MN) | Assets under management in Euros |
ALLOCATION: ALTERNATIVES (%) | Total amount of assets allocated to alternatives, as a percentage of total assets |
ALLOCATION: ALTERNATIVES (CURR MN) | Total amount of assets allocated to alternatives, denominated in millions of firms local currency |
ALLOCATION: ALTERNATIVES (USD MN) | Total amount of assets allocated to alternatives, denominated in millions of US dollars |
ALLOCATION: ALTERNATIVES (EUR MN) | Total amount of assets allocated to alternatives, denominated in millions of Euros |
ABOUT | Description of the firm |
HF: SUMMARY | Summary of firms investment status in Hedge Funds |
HF: PREFERENCES | Summary of firms strategic and geographic preferences |
HF: NEXT 12 MTHS: SUMMARY | Summary of the firms investment plans in Hedge Funds funds over the next 12 months |
Additional Information
Pricing Information
Pricing is in line with access to Preqin’s data via our Pro interface. Please submit a subscription request and we will provide tailor a quote for you for access to the data.
Existing Preqin Customers
Pricing for existing Preqin customers can be worked into existing subscriptions. Please submit subscription request and your Account Manager will be in touch to arrange access to the data
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About Your Company
Preqin provides the industry’s most comprehensive private capital and hedge fund datasets and tools. Alternative assets professionals rely on it to make data-driven decisions throughout the entire investment lifecycle.
Since 2003, Preqin has forged direct relationships with alternative assets professionals to ensure our data adds context, clarity, and conviction to decision-making.
Today, over 110,000 fund managers, investors, placement agents, service providers, advisors, and other industry professionals from more than 34,000 firms worldwide are empowered with information that underpins their daily workflow.
We believe that the flow of information is critical to development of the industry, a value shared by our customers and partners who help us create a better, more transparent ecosystem across opaque markets.
Our data includes investors, funds, fundraising, performance, fund managers, deals & exits, service providers, and more.
For more information on Preqin and our data, please visit https://www.preqin.com/
Provided By
Fulfillment Method
AWS Data Exchange
Data sets (2)
You will receive access to the following data sets
Revision access rules
No historical revisions | All future revisions
Contains sensitive information
Name | Type | Data dictionary | AWS Region |
shared/InvestorHfContact.csv | Not included | EU (Ireland) | |
shared/InvestorHf.csv | Not included | EU (Ireland) |
Usage information
By subscribing to this product, you agree that your use of this product is subject to the provider's offer terms including pricing information and Data Subscription Agreement . Your use of AWS services remains subject to the AWS Customer Agreement or other agreement with AWS governing your use of such services.
Support information
Support contact email address
Support contact URL
Refund policy
Not applicable
General AWS Data Exchange support