WordPress Multisite Certified by Bitnami and Automattic
Bitnami by VMware | 6.7.2-0-r08 on Debian 12Linux/Unix, Debian 12 - 64-bit Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
External reviews

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Bitnami provides great tools to make it easier to manage
I have been using Bitnami WordPress Multisite for some time now, 3 versions, and the tools and support set up by Bitnami to setup and manage my environment are fantastic. I use SSH to manage the environment, and it is very convenient to manage these processes with Bitnamis tools such as BNcert tool for managing https redirects and SSL with letsencrypt.
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Not sure why so many negative reviews
We installed this about a year ago using t2.micro free tier, set up 4 WordPress sites with custom domains (using an elastic IP, the domain management panel within WP Multi-site, and NameCheap as registrar) and have had no problems at all. Especially considering we basically had it all for the cost of the domain registrations, it has been great. We've never noticed any downtime or sluggishness on the sites.
Now that the free year is up, we'll stay with it and purchase a 3 year reserved instance, and still have a great price for a multi-site WP installation. The t2.micro instance has been fine for our relatively basic sites.
3 people found this helpful
Great service, great value, thanks to AWS, WordPress, and Bitnami. Very user friendly installation.
Just to remind everyone that Route53 will cause 0,51 for mapping a sub-domain (creating zone) on your test "free tier" Wordprise multisite.
Wordpress Bitnami
It is a very good product is already configured and optimized by Bitnami team. Installation is quick and effective. With a few clicks to get a wordpress first-line server!
Nice!! Very Good!!
Excellent, well configured and secure! Easy to set up ! Great community support. The documentation is incomplete . But I recommend the product .
Better Than Advertised!!!
I've been using the Bitnami Wordpress 4.0.1 Multisite for about 2.5 months now. I'm getting ready to upgrade the servers and Wordpress so was researching here. This is the first time I actually read these reviews and I couldn't help but add in my 2 Cents.
Just a brief background I'm Using Bitnami's Wordpress Multisite 4.0.1 Stack, using AWS Free Tier as follows;
- EC2 Elastic Load Balancer,
- EC2 T2-Micro -Wordpress, PHP, PHP-FPM cacheing only(No DB, or Files saved here),
- Elasticache 1 Node- Memcached linked to Wordpress Server.
- RDS T2-Micro -Database Server,
- S3 Bucket- Stores all files, backups etc.
- Cloudfront- Serves Cached files from edge servers.
- over 25 Plugins on 3 different sites.
ALL AWS Free Tier, last months bill was about $0.23. And yes it will auto-scale too. But I normally turn it off as it almost always want's to start spinning up more servers. Traffic on my site has outgrown what a T2-Micro can handle.
My setup was Tons of work but works great for a very small very low traffic website. The issue is because of how T2/T2 Micro instances work. You are going to have issues if you have too many pages(more than 12-15), or if you have a more than 3 sites (multisite). Especially when being indexed, or working in the backend, during high traffic times. Its because of how AWS has them configured. But then again what do you expect for a 'free' 1 year trial?
There is ways that you can optimise your T2 but its a lot more work and I think its much smarter to just upgrade the server to anything above a "T" server. Yes the issue is with all "T" instances. As they are setup to "Burst" for up to 10 seconds, then AWS will throttle it back by 97%! Which makes your site not load, white screen, etc.
They're fine to get started, and for testing. But once you start getting indexed by lots of search engines and start seeing more traffic. Upgrade! Read about reserved & spot instances, you can save a ton.
Enough about me...
1. This is NOT Shared Hosting! If you have never used Linux command line, have no experience with Linux at all, don't know how to configure MySQL, PHP, Apache, etc, or worse yet, what they do or are. Then this is not the way you should go. And in all seriousness, neither is AWS for that matter.
Insted go to Bitnami's website and sign up for their service. Its pretty easy to setup and shows you how to link your new Bitnami Account to your AWS Account. You can now use the Bitnami tools to create and work with instances. It is MUCH simpler than using AWS directly.
If you need more advanced or Multi server setups for your live/production blog, etc. Find a professional and get it done right. Make sure they have done it before several times, and can prove it. Wordpress setups like mine above or the new setup I'm now building are VERY complicated, even using Bitnami's AMI.
2. R.T.F.M. is something I was taught when I first started learning Linux. Do a search for it. It will help you tremendously!
3. Bitnami easily has one of the best documentation sets I've seen, or used. Not only is it well organized, it shows you exactly what to do and gives you the exact thing to type in the terminal. They also have instructions for Tons of different ways to reconfigure it as well. Don't just blindly start setting up the stuff. If you don't know what it is search it first.
- Bitnami's Doc's Link:
4. In the link above is the Full Doc Set for all of the various Bitnami Stack options. If your not reading all of the Wordpress & Wordpress Multisite sections you absolutely must. (Or at least don't complain if or when you can't get it working right.) Reading the PHP, Apache & MySQL sections is a absolute must too.
5. Even if you do know your way around a LAMP Stack still, check with the Bitnami Doc's before you do anything. Bitnami's Stack Build is not like a standard 'build it yourself' server. It took me a while to learn "their way".
6. Even things that I couldn't find in Bitnami documentation was still easily found on other sites. Bitnami is pretty widely used and as such all over the web.
I highly recommend using Bitnami AMI's, I've tried several of them now, and WILL continue to for some time. It saves tons of time not having to start from scratch. From installing, configuring, securing, tracking your changes and documenting for a production web server. Plus there's support, how to's, forums, etc.
Great Product, makes server side really easy!
The Bitnami Wordpress Stack is excellent when hosting on a dedicated server such as Amazon EC2.
All the necessary components are taken care of with excellent documentation. These guys have cut down the learning curve to setup servers to half or even lesser.
Definitely recommend the Bitnami wordpress multisite image to anybody who would like to setup a wordpress multisite network.
Best Wishes and a Big Thank you!
Santosh Ramachandran
Multisite at your fingerprints
This solution is great! It takes a few seconds and click to build your own multisite.
Yet, I still would love a step by step explanation of how to change multisite URL and sub-domains, specific to AWS, because I am still struggling with this issue. Somehow I will figure it out but it shouldn't be so frustrating to find a guide about this. But all and all, this is my problem and the product deserves a high-five.
Works fine after initial glitch
I installed it but I could not figure out how to connect to the instance. After a while an automatic mail arrived showing default user and password
I love this AMI
It's very useful because it is saving my time.
It reduced my time-consuming job.
Thank you very much
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