WordPress with NGINX and SSL Certified by Bitnami and Automattic
Bitnami by VMware | 6.7.2-0-r05 on Debian 12Linux/Unix, Debian 12 - 64-bit Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
Not compatible for multiple sites deployment
I need to deploy another app on the same instance along with wordpress using SNI, like this:
site1.mydomain.com - wordpress;
site2.mydomain.com - another app.
To achieve this I needed to install the required "stream" nginx modules, which are not included in this image.
After a 3-day tornment failing and trying over and over for such a simple task, I finally gave up and killed this instance with tons of agony.
I was intended to save 1 hour using this image, ended up wasting 3 days.
In conclusion, do NOT use this image if you want to run anything else alongwith Wordpress on the same instance.
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