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Retool | 1

Reviews from AWS Marketplace

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External reviews

191 reviews
from G2

External reviews are not included in the AWS star rating for the product.

    Konstantin V.

Excellent tool to build Admin panel

  • January 07, 2021
  • Review provided by G2

What do you like best about the product?
Ability to create good-looking pages easy and connect it to any database or REST api.
What do you dislike about the product?
A cost and inability to set permissions for Production and Staging for the same page (app).
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
We need an admin panel for our organization, and we do not want to have a separate staff for it.

    Mental Health Care

Great tool to add to our stack

  • January 07, 2021
  • Review provided by G2

What do you like best about the product?
clear documentation, quick & easy to build apps, really amazing and responsive customer service
What do you dislike about the product?
it gets tricky when working with more complicated queries that require data parsing
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
Internal tooling

    Kathy D.

Easy-to-use, highly capable tool for creating apps

  • January 07, 2021
  • Review verified by G2

What do you like best about the product?
The amount of flexibility it offers to users.
What do you dislike about the product?
The lack of video tutorials out there. The documentation is solid but more tutorials in video format would be greatly appreciated.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
We are solving the issue of having little engineering resources available to us to create an internal app. With Retool, non-engineers can create apps that allow us to interact with, add to, and update data in our backend.

    Matthias S.

Simple way to build internal tools fast

  • January 07, 2021
  • Review verified by G2

What do you like best about the product?
Retool is a efficient tool to build internal tools. It's database integration and data visualization widgets allow me to build tools for my team fast, so they can perform their work better.
What do you dislike about the product?
There is really nothing that I dislike about retool. A neo4j integration would be great.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
How do I give team members database access without giving them to much control without building a whole dedicated application? Just use retool.

    Kapil J.

Once you figure it out, it gives you unlimited power

  • January 07, 2021
  • Review verified by G2

What do you like best about the product?
Configuring all of my data sources, APIs, and having control of everything in one place. I can then view real time metrics, get interactive reports of all sorts of data, give control to support teams to equip them with everything they need from errors that users faced to internal dashboards that allow them to unblock users, and create all the admin tooling I could need for all of my services, fast and with great UI.
What do you dislike about the product?
The learning curve is slightly on the higher side with the documentation lacking in detail and accessibility at the time I was learning to use retool. It's been getting better lately though, and wherever it failed me, their support team was always quick to answer all my questions!
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
*ALL* the admin tooling and dashboards and reporting I can need as an engineer. It lets me enable data analysts, other engineers in my team, support teams, business teams. I can't imagine the effort it would've taken to build all of that. And every single one of my retool apps took literally hours to spin up. Once you learn it, there's no stopping the amount of accessibility it provides into all of your systems.

    Mayur P.

Paid review but I mean it: The best break through for operational workflow. Highly recommended.

  • January 07, 2021
  • Review verified by G2

What do you like best about the product?
The best thing is the UX that has been developed. I am sure it won't be easy but you nailed it and make it user-friendly. I won't surprise to see an IPO of retool in future.

- The nice part is stripe-like third-party integrations. This tool has the potential to automate any work flow with additional automation capability.
What do you dislike about the product?
I have nothing that I dislike about the retool.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
- Customer support tools
- Internal engineering infra to patch production records.
- To build a small merchant app experience using inbuilt stripe integration.
- To improve the customer onboarding experience and ease the complexity by building such a custom tool app.
Recommendations to others considering the product:
Highly recommended. It would save you valuable engineering time.

    Michael L.

Great product - Simplifies my job

  • January 07, 2021
  • Review verified by G2

What do you like best about the product?
I really enjoy retool being the "one stop shop" for seeing our NPS scores, CSAT responses, and a lot of other important things. It has been a huge time saver for me and honestly, I don't think I even use it up to its full capability. It is also very easy to read.
What do you dislike about the product?
I feel like the search functionality could be improved. It works, but sometimes when I search by an email address and not by organization it won't clear out the organization even though I've clicked on the "x" several times.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
I stated this some above but instead of having to go to three or four different software to find the information I need (for a customer email following an NPS, for instance) it is all in one place and takes a fraction of the time.

    Forest K.

Retool saves you time and money

  • January 07, 2021
  • Review verified by G2

What do you like best about the product?
Retool has changed our back office process completely. In the hands of our developers we were able to put together a full back-office suite for our business in just a few days. We’re pulling data from multiple APIs, Google Sheets, and automating communications with Twilio. Retool has taken the hard part out of something every business needs - an easy admin interface for managing your customer’s data.
What do you dislike about the product?
There’s very little Retool doesn’t have - their support is very responsive, and if you need to connect to a custom resource there are multiple options for deep integration.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
Retool even helps our developers while building database queries - by working in Retool while building a schema, we end up with an easy to use low level database interface for every model.

    Computer Software

Back-of-house apps and tooling in minutes, not days

  • January 07, 2021
  • Review verified by G2

What do you like best about the product?
Retool has replaced all of our custom built back-office apps and tooling for our product operations, and wholesale freed up engineering to focus entirely on customer facing product. It has enabled us to really invest without compromise for both customers and our ops.
What do you dislike about the product?
The UI can feel a bit awkward at times. However, it's made large strides already, and the interface and documentation has improved a great deal.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
Retool replaced our back of house dashboards and tooling for engineers, product, and customer success. Previously our team had to author these applications, which is necessary, but low value compared to the effort. Retool fixed the balance of those decisions.

    Kevin F.

Flexible and easy to use UI creator for operations, customer support, and analytics

  • January 07, 2021
  • Review provided by G2

What do you like best about the product?
- Flexible UI
- Many integrations
- Fast turnaround for customer support
What do you dislike about the product?
- Can get slow depending on the complexity of the pages and integrations
- Management of integrations and interfaces could get cumbersome especially before reusable components, templates, and other tools were added
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
- Admin interface for customer support and ops
- Dashboards for analytics
- Flexible to fit lots of different use cases
- Fast iteration