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Tines | 1

Reviews from AWS Marketplace

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External reviews

209 reviews
from G2

External reviews are not included in the AWS star rating for the product.

    Computer & Network Security

Simple to use but powerful enough to extend

  • November 23, 2022
  • Review provided by G2

What do you like best about the product?
The ability to rapidly evaluate the solution proved to be one of the biggest selling points. Once I was on the platform, I was also able to complete simple automation tasks in short order but also had the confidence that a user with less technical abilities would have little difficulty in accomplishing the same thing.
What do you dislike about the product?
Not entirely a dislike, but I think the support for user-created extensions to the platform should be explored more. The building blocks are there but I think creating user-generated action templates could be an improvement. The product is continuously evolving so this may have been solved since this review was written.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
Tines core business is solving the problem of automation in the security space and I think it's delivering on this model. Where it excels above the dozens of other competitors in the market is definitely on ease of use. P.

Tines SOAR use-case is extremely powerful

  • November 21, 2022
  • Review provided by G2

What do you like best about the product?
Tines has allowed our SOC to build a world-class automation platform servicing our end clients with deeply enriched and triaged security events while saving our blue team hundreds of hours per week. Compared to other automation/SOAR platforms, the platform's simplicity is notable without sacrificing the power or complexity of potential workflows. The best part of Tines is that it integrates into any service that has an API.
What do you dislike about the product?
Being an on-prem customer, we experienced some hardships with performance as we continued to scale up with the platform. Having recommended settings for levels of processed events would have saved us some significant headaches; additionally, documentation on first-time integration into popular SIEMs or other platforms would be nice.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
Tines contributes to solving issues such as analyst burnout, lowering false positives for security detections, real-time threat intelligence, and allowing us to scale quickly.

    Computer Software

Great tool. Very effective and easy use!

  • November 17, 2022
  • Review verified by G2

What do you like best about the product?
Drag and Drop is very easy. Performing full array manipulation is actually quite simple. Logic is built into the product and the support teams are all really great at providing useful information, instruction and examples.
What do you dislike about the product?
The licencing model is based on the number of stories and Teams. There are issues with limiting the number of teams with RBAC roles. However, TInes have made huge progress in getting it more usable across teams.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
It is our SOAR tool, IT operations automation tool, Governance at the touch of a button and a reporting tool (ingest and export). All these things previously took so much time. Now many are fully automated, many save significant time.

    Rishi J.

Tines provide easy and simplified automations with integrations eliminating need to know indepth API

  • November 17, 2022
  • Review verified by G2

What do you like best about the product?
Predefined modules and customizable features be it REST API call or using an Autobot with JWT or other integrations, all of the options are simplified and easy to use, if you have complex work cases, Tines can be an extremely good resource.
What do you dislike about the product?
A couple of improvement suggestions can be on the UI front where the logs are displayed separately and variables are shown on a different panel. Additionally a version control system can be there which reflects changes done on each action or object.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
Tines is solving problems which relate to interaction of different platforms which natively do not have an association or integration, however, they provide seamless data exchange and operational analytics on the data as well as notification on another platforms for the easy of use of data across various places. This is benefiting our team to not do a multi step process to reach to an analytical solution, and have tines do the background effort.

    Defense & Space

Tines - An Infosec Game Changer

  • November 16, 2022
  • Review verified by G2

What do you like best about the product?
Tines has become a key component of our infosec program. It fills in many of the gaps where other tools come short. As a recovering Cortex XSOAR user, I find that they have struck a good balance between usability through abstraction of product APIs and giving an engineer enough control over the individual calls to get exactly what they are looking for. Can't recommend this product enough.
What do you dislike about the product?
I think the only downside I can think of is that there is a slight learning curve to the UI. However, this is the case with any product and Tines is very easy to get used to.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
It's solving all of our automation problems at the moment. What I love about the product is that I don't even have to ask, "Is this compatible with Tines?" when we're test driving another product; if it has a REST API, Tines will work great with it!

    Pendie G.

Tines vs Demisto - Tines wins

  • November 15, 2022
  • Review verified by G2

What do you like best about the product?
I love the simplicity and capability. just about every function I ask for has been answered with yes
What do you dislike about the product?
When using it without professional services, it is hard to understand meaning the documentation on the website. Not very many in depth walkthroughs
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
phishing, slack answers, forms etc. This is saving our ORG time and effort on everyday manual things

    Financial Services

Tines enables every SOC to build classic SOAR capabilities with No Code!

  • November 10, 2022
  • Review verified by G2

What do you like best about the product?
I've used a handful of various SOAR products throughout my career, and Tines makes it far easier to not only develop automation workflows but maintain and share them.

Wanting to roll out SOAR within your business not too long ago meant having a SOC with a team of Security Engineers hammering away at their desks building python scripts to fetch and call APIs and somehow maintain those for years and add new features - But then Tines entered the market with their very simple to use platform that requires zero code knowledge by the end user.
What do you dislike about the product?
Like all software products, nothing is perfect. Bugs exist, and features are always requested. My usage of Tines has not been hindered by any bugs and they are incredibly engaged in accepting feedback and bringing out new features.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
To me, having worked in SOCs and previously worked to implement a SOAR platform is a game changer, not that knowing code for me personally was a barrier, but just being able to collaborate faster and with other people because we didn’t need a unified understanding of a programing language to begin building our automation workflows.

I can canvas opinions from various internal teams without having to convert my mammoth python scripts into legible text. With Tines, I can just simply share the Tines main view and follow the Pills like a flow chart. I can annotate and add context without having to explain what a code comment is.

This has enabled my team to work incredibly quickly and have a foundation of a SOAR platform within weeks as opposed to months, with fully integrated API access to our internal systems and products, allowing for triage and automation tasks to run right away. The same workflow with a previous product took many months due to the complexities of building using a language and having to convert ideas into code.

We continue to grow our usage of Tines daily, and I would encourage anyone looking to increase or start their SOAR workflows to seriously consider Tines. They have a growing community that shares their Stories (Things they’ve built with Tines), so you may even be able to find a solution for your particular product and start integrating much faster than you expected.


Great automation tool to cover most of your needs

  • November 10, 2022
  • Review provided by G2

What do you like best about the product?
Playbooks library with examples to automate most common scenarios. It is also helpful to understand how tines blocks works, their configurations and settings.
Community edition available after a simple registration process to get familiar with the platform and capabilities.
Debugging and version control of playbooks. Capability to dump playbooks to git.
Ability to create teams and limit access to playbooks.
Secrets storage to store access keys, creds and tokens.
Ability to reuse parts of playbooks and share with other teams.
Tunnel agent to seamlessly query internal resources that are not exposed to the internet.
Reach documentation and responsive support.
New features are released quite often.
What do you dislike about the product?
Tines tunnel is not available with the community edition, but you can have PoC to test it out.
Some advanced automation and correlation might not be possible with this platform.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
Tines allow us to automate routine activities, connecting and enriching information from different sources. It helps to react faster for security incidents and have better context around security alerts to make the right decision.

    Financial Services

A SOAR that does what a SOAR is supposed to do

  • November 09, 2022
  • Review verified by G2

What do you like best about the product?
Tines offers an incredibly easy-to-use interface without losing significant power by abstracting away the need for code. Other solutions can take months to start understanding and getting value out of; I was able to start getting value out of Tines within the first hour of ever using it
What do you dislike about the product?
In exchange for the ease of use, you do sacrifice the ability to run code directly, which can be a problem for specific use cases that do not have an exposed API
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
Our security team is not composed of professional software engineers. Tines lets us quickly automate tasks that are robust, auditable, and debuggable without needing to write any code

    Computer Games

Flexible platform, helpful support

  • November 02, 2022
  • Review verified by G2

What do you like best about the product?
While still new to the Tines platform, so far it has proven to be flexible enough to meet various use cases while at the same time not being overly burdensome to manage. Every time I've engaged with their support and sales engineers they've been extremely helpful and answered any questions we've had in-depth while walking us through exactly how to do that within the platform.
What do you dislike about the product?
It's still early as I'm new to the platform, but I'd like to see more items in their story library, but it's not a deal breaker today as they cover many of the common initial use cases.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
Reducing manual processes, enriching cases, and speeding up investigation times.