About Virtual Service Operations
VSO is a hybrid cloud services company supporting U.S. Public Sector, Commercial, and Non-Profit organizations with managed services, engineering, and architecture for hybrid/multi-cloud and enterprise IT infrastructure. VSO leverages a military veteran workforce to support managed services, monitoring, steady state, and service management engagements. Our team provides reliable, secure, and cost-effective service delivery.
Virtual Service Operations
Virtual Service Operations Products (9)
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The VSO Cloud Accelerator for Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a comprehensive solution that empowers businesses to seamlessly migrate their services from on-premises or other cloud environments to AWS. This offering combines industry-leading tools, expertise, and best practices to ensure a smooth and efficient migration journey, minimizing downtime and maximizing the benefits of AWS's scalable, secure, and cost-effective infrastructure.
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Deploy a full-scale, sound infrastructure to support any size IT deployment. Customized Control Tower, Cloud Custodian and VSO FogLifter build the foundation of a cloud infrastructure suitable for IT deployments at any scale, from single application to multi-organization enterprise IT shared-services and support. VSO Nucleate cleanly integrates with VSO Overwatch for operational monitoring and management, allowing you to focus on your business and customers, rather than infrastructure maintenance.
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A Service designed to inject necessary security measures into a customers AWS environment for hardening and proper management. Includes Multi Account organizational design, IAM design, Data Encryption requirements, and logging analysis.
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A purpose built service to capture ideal user experience "Must have" requirements and Desired features. Requirements and Features are organized into Design Hills to guide the scope and ensure the solution meets the needs of the end user community.
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Quickly deploy a sound infrastructure to support a new application rollout. Customized Control Tower and Cloud Custodian build a foundational cloud infrastructure suitable for many use cases such as small websites, fast POC to Prod application deployment, and niche applications. "Getting Started with VSO Nucleate" cleanly integrates with VSO Overwatch for operational monitoring and management, allowing you to focus on your application and customers, rather than infrastructure maintenance.
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Bring your wild-west cloud infrastructure under control. VSO Coalesce brings to life a set of tools and processes that cleanly pull unmanaged AWS accounts and infrastructure under AWS Control Tower management with little disruption to your SLOs and SLAs. Built upon a *VSO Nucleate* customized Control Tower foundation, *VSO Coalesce* materializes the many decades of VSO experience managing and migrating IT infrastructures, assisting businesses to bring their IT assests under an umbrella of sound oversight.
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Most companies have a stated goal of having cloud spend represent 80% of their total IT-hosting budget by 2024, while only 35% of their IT staff have the skills to support those target cloud environments. VSO’s vSQOD Managed Services can take on discrete layers of tasks in the management of customer’s public, private, on-prem and hybrid cloud environments-thereby accelerating adoption and dramatically lowering costs of support.
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VSO Migration Design Services ensure migration success through proper discovery and planning. VSO prevents our customers from making costly and time consuming mistakes during the migration process, by providing a well architected framework and a fully reviewed application portfolio. Once migrated, VSO will also provide Datacenter hardware decommission, transportation, and clean up!
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VSO's Network Design service is focused on proper VPC and Subnet layout, SSO, MFA and DNS services as well as hybrid access services. Additionally, VSO identifies ideal regions to deploy into for optimal costs, redundancy and utilization of Cloud assets.
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