- Sold by CareerBuilder
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This data set shows supply of candidates and the number of open jobs per industry and designated market area.
CareerBuilder is a global technology company that provides end-to-end talent acquisition solutions to help employers find, hire and onboard great talent, and helps job seekers build new skills and progressive careers as the modern world of work changes. CareerBuilder is the largest provider of AI-powered hiring solutions serving the majority of the Fortune 500. It is the only company that offers both software and services to cover every step of the Hello To Hire™ process, enabling its customers to free up valuable resources across their HR tech supply chain to drive their business forward.
Free | 12 month subscription available.
This data set shows supply of candidates and the number of open jobs per industry and designated market area.
Price $7,500 | 12 month subscription available.
This data set provides the candidate supply and demand and the number of open jobs per industry and designated market area.
Price $7,500 | 12 month subscription available.
This data set provides the candidate supply and demand and the number of open jobs per industry and designated market area.
Price $25,000 | 12 month subscription available.
This data set provides the candidate supply and demand and the number of open jobs per industry and designated market area.
Price $7,500 | 12 month subscription available.
This data set provides the candidate supply and demand and the number of open jobs per industry and designated market area.
Price $7,500 | 12 month subscription available.
This data set provides the candidate supply and demand and the number of open jobs per industry and designated market area.
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