About Nuvens
Nuvens are an AWS Advanced Partner specialising in the AWS End User Compute space. Experts in Amazon WorkSpaces, AppStream and WorkLink we help clients automate, integrate and simplify these offerings.
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- Sold by Nuvens
Apply here for the license key to be used in conjunction with the WorkSpaces BYOL Appliance.
- Version 6.1.1
- Sold by Nuvens
WorkSpaces Manager surpercharges and automates your management of AWS WorkSpaces
- Sold by Nuvens
Nuvens are one of the global leaders for deploying and managing the Amazon Digital Workplace. We will quickly help you identify over and under-utilised WorkSpaces, Unused WorkSpaces and WorkSpaces with no users at all. An ROI is usually seen within the first month of engagement.
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