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Enigma delivers the real-world intelligence that empowers organizations to make better decisions every day.
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Daily U.S and global cases, deaths and testing data related to COVID-19 provided at the country, U.S. state, and U.S county level. Each geography is provided with FIPS/ISO codes, Lat/Lon, and populations for ease of use in analytics. Data is a built from an aggregation of sources provided by Our World in Data, The New York Times and The COVID Tracking project.
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Data selected from individual tax returns (Forms 1040) filed with the Inland Revenue Service, classified by ZIP Code, state and adjusted gross income.
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Four centuries of Supreme Court decisions, including sixty variables for each case. Data includes both Case Centered data (unit of analysis is the case) and Justice Centered data (a row for each justice participating in each case).
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Daily testing data for the COVID-19 virus aggregated by The COVID Tracking Project for 50 U.S States and the District of Columbia. Includes number of positive and negative tests in addition to limited statistics on number of hospitalized patients.
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Census Bureau data of county business patterns showing payroll for establishments, grouped by ZIP Code.
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Over 70 attributes about each of the 850,000+ property lots in New York City, including square footage, owner name, year built, and tax assessed value.
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Census Bureau data of county business patterns, showing number of business entities classified by NAICS code, grouped by number of employees and ZIP Code.
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Historical H-1B visa filings published by the Office of Foreign Labor Certification. Datasets are useful for the understanding of hiring trends by sector, geography, and employer.
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Daily cases, deaths, and testing (limited) statistics related to the COVID-19 virus for 207 countries provided by Our World in Data.
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Over 200,000 businesses that currently hold a Federal Firearm License. These business are permitted to sell and manufacture firearms and ammunition. Licenses must be renewed every three years.
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