About CSRHub
CSRHub offers consensus Environment, Social & Governance (ESG) Ratings to benchmark performance, study supply chains, improve reporting, and build portfolios.
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Price $20,000 | 12 month subscription available.
Consensus ESG ratings help improve corporate and investor performance. CSRHub aggregates and harmonizes data from >925 sources to produce ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) ratings for 35,000 public, private, and not-for-profit entities across 134 industries and 157 countries. For each rated entity, CSRHub offers twelve subscores on subjects such as climate change, leadership ethics, human rights and supply chain, and employee diversity.
- Sold by CSRHub
Price $30,000 | 12 month subscription available.
Consensus ESG ratings help improve corporate and investor performance. CSRHub aggregates data from >925 sources to produce ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) ratings for 35,000 public, private, and not-for-profit entities. Our RESTful API, allows streaming CSRHUB ESG data into in-house applications, tracking and management systems. Ratings are provdied for subjects such as climate change, leadership ethics, human rights and supply chain, and employee diversity.
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Free | 1 month subscription available.
Trial of CSRHub #ESG data. Includes #Environment, #Social and #Governance (ESG) ratings for Dow Jones 30 components from 2013 to the present.
- Sold by CSRHub
Price $20,000 | 12 month subscription available.
Consensus ESG ratings are useful as part of integrating ESG into an investment process and for improving corporate sustainability performance. CSRHub data can now be shared via Redshift. CSRHub produces 12 measures of #Environment, #Social, and #Governance (ESG) performance for 55,000 public, private, and not-for-profit entities across 134 industries and 157 countries. CSRHub #sustainability ratings, through direct and API integration, are updated monthly and go back to December 2008.
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