- Sold by Investics Data Services
Investment Data and Analytics Platform-as-a-Services ecosystem for the Institutional Investor Community.
Cost effective and highly scalable next generation cloud based investment data and analytics ecosystem for institutional investors with intuitive and dazzling online visualizations and analytics, utilizing the latest in big data, business and artificial intelligence, in-memory processing, dynamic calculation and analytical engines technologies.
Investment Data and Analytics Platform-as-a-Services ecosystem for the Institutional Investor Community.
Prices starting at $10 | 1, 12 and 36 month subscriptions available.
Powered by Bloomberg Open FIGI data, this subscription can be used standalone or as a companion piece with other Investics DARTS and Investics Cloud Ecosystem (ICE) offerings on AWS Marketplace and Data Exchange. Subscribers can use this service to lookup, cross reference and facilitate joining datasets containing a FIGI identifier in order to retrieve associated FIGI identifiers, descriptors, market sectors, security types, tickers, country and exchange codes and name/exchange search keys.
Free | 1, 3, 6 and 12 month subscriptions available.
Powered by data from ESG vendors Arabesque, IdealRatings and MSCI these free evaluation datasets have been normalized, enriched and optimized to provide analytics ready, plug and play cross vendor information for sustainable investing, portfolio and company analysis, risk management, compliance, regulatory and other reporting use cases. For full access to these datasets, both private and bring your own subscription (BYOS) offers are available.
Free | 1, 3, 6 and 12 month subscriptions available.
Investics DARTS (Data Aggregation Remediation Transformation Service) sample trial data set. DARTS provides automated data delivery services for institutional investors' cloud and non-cloud systems and platforms. This sample trial data set provides a limited set of pre-determined portfolio holdings and historical scenario statistics.
Prices starting at $5,000 | 3 and 12 month subscriptions available.
The Investics DARTS Portfolio Daily Holdings service provides daily delivery of institutional portfolios held or accounted for at financial institutions including custodians, fund administrators and investment managers. This service requires authorization from the owner of the portfolio(s), as well as a subscription to Investics Cloud Ecosystem (ICE). An Investics servicing representative will help confirm these authorization/subscription upon request.
Prices starting at $600 | 1, 3, 6 and 12 month subscriptions available.
Powered with data from MSCI, The Investics DARTS Index Service provides daily delivery of Index data including constituents, performance, security and index masters. This service requires a subscription to MSCI module(s) directly from MSCI, as well as a subscription to Investics Cloud Ecosystem (ICE). An Investics servicing representative will help confirm these subscriptions upon request. See Additional Pricing Information below for a free one month trial for qualified subscribers.
Price $15,000 | 12 month subscription available.
By applying Cumulative Sum (CUSUM) theory to detect whether the quality of a process is normal, improving or deteriorating, this service calculates a Precision Weighted Excess Return (PWER) score, along with other statistics, to measure if a particular investment fund or investment management firm are more likely to outperform peer group investment funds on a consistent basis, and by how much.
Prices starting at $6,000 | 3 and 12 month subscriptions available.
The Investics DARTS Portfolio Daily Holdings and Transactions service provides daily delivery of institutional portfolios held or accounted for at financial institutions including custodians, fund administrators and investment managers. This service requires authorization from the owner of the portfolio(s), as well as a subscription to Investics Cloud Ecosystem (ICE). An Investics servicing representative will help confirm these authorization/subscription upon request.
Prices starting at $30 | 1, 3, 6 and 12 month subscriptions available.
This listing contains common industry standard cross reference data and APIs, including: classifications, countries, currencies, regions and geospacial .
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