About Mphasis Stelligent
= Automation for the People = Stelligent specializes in DevOps Automation on AWS. We help enterprises develop fundamentally secure services -- infrastructure automation code, deployment pipelines, and feedback mechanisms -- for faster, more consistent software and infrastructure deployments.
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- Sold by Mphasis Stelligent
A deployment pipeline is the backbone of an application or product team’s software delivery workflow. Pipelines provide automation, consistency, predictability, and visibility to your software release process. The need to deliver hundreds or even thousands of distinct applications and their CI/CD pipelines brings new challenges for enterprises. How do you ensure consistency in delivery workflow? How can you enforce regulatory compliance? How do you achieve both autonomy and governance? Mphasis Stelligent’s Pipeline Factory enables DevOps teams to develop and publish validated pipelines as consumable Pipeline Products. DevOps teams gain the capability to define, build, and publish standardized pipelines that enforce quality, security, and governance throughout the software delivery lifecycle. Product and deployment teams are empowered to deploy validated pipelines on-demand via self-service catalogs without involving operations teams.
- Sold by Mphasis Stelligent
The Mphasis Stelligent Enterprise Account Factory delivers the capability for DevOps teams to develop and provision validated and standardized AWS Accounts. These AWS Accounts are provisioned with enterprise standard resources for networking, security, and observation. DevOps teams gain the capability to define, build, validate, and publish standardized AWS Account products that enforce quality, security, and governance. Product and development teams are empowered to deploy validated AWS Accounts on-demand, without involving operations teams, and with confidence that they meet enterprise operational standards.
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