About Persistent Systems
Software driven businesses run on data as their fuel, which is also the foundation for new technology waves such as AI, Machine Learning, or the Internet of Things. Data fuels all software driven transformations from new experiences to new business models. From data strategy to the design, engineering, and integration of data technologies and platforms, we partner with customers on their data-driven continuous transformations and also as an engineering partner to build new data technologies and products.
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- Version 0.1
- Sold by Persistent Systems
Classifies fine-needle aspirates (FNA) of breast mass as benign or malignant
- Version 0.1
- Sold by Persistent Systems
Predicts the closest intent for a given question about banking services
- Version 0.1
- Sold by Persistent Systems
Detects the evidence of Glaucoma based on RNFL thickness and visual field (VF)
- Version 0.1
- Sold by Persistent Systems
Predicts hospital readmission rate of a patient using Random Forrest algorithm
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