WineSOFT is an innovative software house with its head office in Seoul, Korea. Started as a bootstrap start-up in 2010, our mission is to provide great internet infrastructure solutions based on the expertise of TCP/IP, VPN, SSL, peer-to-peer, mobile browser and streaming solutions. Our product STON Edge Server, HTTP reverse proxy is the perfect example of such belief. STON Edge Server successfully penetrated HTTP cache market in South Korea within less than 2 years and is now a dominant and popular product. CDN providers, ISPs, video service providers, e-commerce and SIs are major customers.
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- Version 20.07.2
- Sold by WINESOFT
Starting from $1.50/hr or from $4,000.00/yr (70% savings) for software + AWS usage fees
STON Edge Server for AWS is an enterprise-class caching server solution on a 64-bit asynchronous architecture. It allows one to deploy caching endpoints and scale out on your Amazon Web Service networks. Static, dynamic and media caching offers to improve your site responsiveness and performance.
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