About DeepCyber
DeepCyber (dba Yeswici LLC) is a cloud software provider on AI LLM and cybersecurity. Contact email: pnncapitalus@gmail.com.
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- Version 3.2
- Sold by DeepCyber
Starting from $1.99/hr or from $14,818.00/yr (15% savings) for software + AWS usage fees
Extending AI ML, AI MC is nextgen AI of machine causality (MC) for problem solving. CAP is a cloud-agnostic container platform for machine problem solving. Designed and owned by a U.S. company, CAP is a nextgen AI innovation of MC for robotics, data modeling and analytics, and causality algorithms (Nobel Econ 2021), machine root cause analysis and machine problem solving. It enables latent AI innovation, noise reduction, prediction and discovering latent causalities that are previously undetectable.
- Version 3.0
- Sold by DeepCyber
Starting from $1.99/hr or from $13,900.00/yr (20% savings) for software + AWS usage fees
Bastion firewall hardens your security posture for ransomware by blocking access from a unique list of threat agents.
- Version 2.0
- Sold by DeepCyber
Starting from $1.99/hr or from $12,900.00/yr (26% savings) for software + AWS usage fees
ADD bastion firewall (ABF) hardens your security posture for ransomware by a cloud firewall blocking access from a unique list of threat agents.
- Version Strategy LLM athena2s
- Sold by DeepCyber
$2,000.00/mo + $0.50 to $0.99/hr for software + AWS usage fees
The Athena platform accelerates Generative AI adoption for financial and government institutions. In the near future, every institution will have a customized Large Language Model (LLM) that uses the understanding of the whole Internet and private institution data to solve business problems previously unsolvable. To enable Generative AI's enterprise adoption, the Athena platform solves the privacy and safety challenges. Without exposing enterprise data to Internet, financial and government institutions can use the Athena platform as a self-hosted private ChatGPT to summarize a document, write a report or proposal, write computer code, describe images, and understand video streams etc. See use Cases in DOJ, DOL, NIH, CDC.
- Sold by DeepCyber
Provide professional service for 5G Speed and Security Test (SST) Server, inclusive of setup, performance tuning, container security testing, DevOps and SecOps support etc. For a live demo of the 5G SST server, see https://ranty.net/speed.
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