About Basepair
Basepair is a bioinformatics platform that acts as an easy wrapper around industry standard tools for analyzing and visualizing a variety of genomic data types. Its intuitive point and click interface enables scientists with little to no computational experience to upload and process raw NGS data, then explore it through interactive reports customized for each data type. More advanced features include deployment of custom pipelines, APIs and a powerful CLI for expert users, use of a private AWS account and even white labeling to look and feel like an organizations own web portal.
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- Sold by Basepair
Basepair is a SaaS bioinformatics platform with a unique hybrid architecture that provisions in a customer's own account so that they remain in control of their IT governance, security and usage commitments with AWS. Because it abstracts away the DevOps it can help to accelerate time to production for bioinformatics workloads on AWS by as much as 8X. Moreover, its direct integration with AWS HealthOmics and advanced storage capabilities deliver up to 80% in cost savings.
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