About Vertical Relevance
Vertical Relevance is a Financial Services focused (Wealth Management, Asset Management, Banking, Insurance) consulting firm helping with the design & delivery of effective transformation programs across people, processes, & systems. With 10+ years of AWS & 20+ years of Financial Services experience, we understand the business needs & build solutions to meet sales, marketing, & compliance goals.
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- Sold by Vertical Relevance
As part of Vertical Relevance's Financial Services Framework (FSF), the Account Foundations solution focuses on the design and implementation of the AWS Account Model and automated AWS Account vending capabilities using AWS Control Tower. The AWS Accounts are designed to include multi-layered security, cross-account networking, central monitoring & logging, hub-and-spoke infrastructure catalog, and more. The FSF – Account Foundations provides an AWS Account strategy that is specifically tailored for a Financial Services institution.
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