- Sold by ReluTech
The World's First AWS Software Defined Staffing Company Powered By Machine Learning. Our easy button platform designed to make the talent side of cloud adoption easy to manage.
ReluTech is an IT solutions provider focused on reducing infrastructure data center costs for cloud committed customers. We provide cost effective solutions for customers who own physical data center assets, unlocking today's capital value of their equipment to offset the costs of migrating. ReluTech's Talent Solution connects cloud professionals to employers looking to fill roles with top talent. Our software platform allows organizations from all industries access to the nation's top AWS developers, engineers, programmers, and coders-ready to take on your next short term or long projects.
The World's First AWS Software Defined Staffing Company Powered By Machine Learning. Our easy button platform designed to make the talent side of cloud adoption easy to manage.
Why ReluTech is Important to AWS Customers, ReluTech's Elastic Maintenance solution provides flexible support to dramatically reduce the cost of maintaining legacy equipment during a migration. Savings are usually 50 to 80 percent less than pricey OEM contracts and can be consolidated under one contract and billed through the AWS Marketplace. Cost savings can be directly used to offset migration costs and reduce or eliminate the double bubble. You can also choose to sell your equipment to ReluTech where the customer receives cash for decommissioned gear or chooses to leverage a purchase lease back option where ReluTech purchases the IT assets upfront and leases it back to the customer on a flexible contract that mirrors the migration timeline.
The ReluTech Elastic Maintenance Service(™) is a customer centric solution that supports legacy equipment during a migration to AWS. We can support all servers, storage, and network equipment at up to 50%-90% less than manufacturer maintenance prices. From blade servers to huge midrange and mainframes, ReluTech provides a level of service that has earned praise as the best in the industry and grants you savings that help fund your AWS migration.
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