About Verisk Maplecroft
Our interconnected approach to risk provides you with unparalleled insight into country, sector, corporate and supplier-level exposure to the full spectrum of political, economic, human rights and environmental issues. Make better, risk-adjusted decisions that improve not only your effectiveness, but also the commercial performance, resilience and sustainability of your business.
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Price $15,000 | 12 month subscription available.
Financial Crime & Modern Slavery Risk Indices for use in banking risk management and investment decision making
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Verisk Maplecroft’s Political Risk Outlook 2021, which explores five key themes we’re tracking for our clients this year.
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Verisk Maplecroft’s pick of the key political issues impacting business in 2020
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Free | 1 month subscription available.
Sample Data ESG risk factors for integration into the management of sovereign debt portfolios to enhance investment decision making
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Verisk Maplecroft’s Human Rights Risk Outlook 2020 explores five key themes we’re tracking for our clients in 2020. 2020 has turned the global risk environment on its head. Countries and companies the world over are struggling to come to terms with the primary health and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, but secondary human rights and political risks are starting to emerge and combine to provide a combustible mix of issues in the operations and supply chains of business.
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Verisk Maplecrofts pick of the key environmental and climate issues impacting business in 2021 This year, our Environmental Risk Outlook explores where the key challenges for business will emerge and how governments, investors and corporates can manage this growing body of risks in the face of ever-increasing pressure from shareholders, regulators and customers.
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Verisk Maplecrofts pick of the key environmental and climate issues impacting business in 2020
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