- Sold by OnAudience.com
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Demo data containing aggregated list of mobile apps installed on the device paired with hashed mobile advertising identifier. GAID and IDFA versions available (both hashed).
Big Data tools and services for digital marketing. OnAudience.com is one of the biggest data providers in the world with a database that includes more than 27 billion of anonymous user profiles.
Free | 1 month subscription available.
Demo data containing aggregated list of mobile apps installed on the device paired with hashed mobile advertising identifier. GAID and IDFA versions available (both hashed).
Free | 1 month subscription available.
Sample data set of 100 000 records containing pairings of mobile devices with the zipcodes of locations they were active within last day. Sample is collected from a single-day.
Free | 20 month subscription available.
Sample data set of records containing carrier. Sample is collected from a single-day.
Free | 1 month subscription available.
Sample data set of 100 000 records containing pairings of mobile devices with the cellular network providers on those devices. These devices are identified with commonly used mobile advertising identifiers, IDFA and GAID for Apple and Android devices accordingly. All of the MAIDs in the file are hashed for privacy protection purposes.
Free | 1 month subscription available.
Sample data set of 100 000 records containing pairings of mobile devices with the predicted gender of the user of such device. These devices are identified with commonly used mobile advertising identifiers, IDFA and GAID for Apple and Android devices accordingly.
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