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The trial dataset has about 3,721 beauty and grooming establishments in San Francisco, including salons, spas, barbershops, cosmetic stores, and more. It has 95 attributes such as business names, contact information, addresses, service offerings, operating hours, and website URLs. With this dataset, users can analyze the beauty landscape in San Francisco, identify popular beauty destinations, and gain insights into customer preferences and trends.
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This trial data set contains a sample of more than 400 restaurants that belong to 5 mid market restaurant companies including Capriotti, Popchew, Stars Drive-In, Guthrie's and Lions Choice. Typically sales team can get benefits from such parent hierarchy data to increase lead assignment efficiency.
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This listing contains 100 POIs from restaurant in Miami with up to 200 reviews
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This sample dataset has intel data products for 100 restaurants in Miami, and more than 1000 columns for each location. It includes all the business attributes and also our unique intel products such as is_franchise, parent ownership, year to year growth rate, online popularity score, that can power sales intel, market intel and use intel use cases.
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This sample dataset has intel data products for 100 restaurants in Miami, and more than 1000 columns for each location. It includes all the business attributes and also our unique intel products such as is_franchise, parent ownership, year to year growth rate, online popularity score, that can power sales intel, market intel and use intel use cases.
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This trial dataset provides a detailed directory of 4,044 financial services in Chicago, including insurance agencies, banks, tax services, investment firms, mortgage lenders, and more. It contains 95 essential attributes such as business names, contact details, addresses, operating hours, and categories. Use this sample dataset to gain insights into the financial landscape of Chicago or build innovative financial solution POCs.
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This trial dataset contains 65,395 Yelp business listings in San Francisco City, available via CSV and JSON formats. Supporting 7B+ annual searches on Yelp, this dataset contains more than 100 business attributes including names, hours, locations, ratings, reviews, photos, etc. This dataset can be used to uncover a variety of insights about business for retail, real estate, finance use cases.
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This trial data set provides 5 year historical business data for 100 restaurants in Miami from 2018-2023. You can use the sample to understand how these businesses evolve in the 5 years. If you want more data to analyze trends for a neighborhood, a city, or a business category, please contact our sales team.
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This is a trial dataset that contains information about 6,281 health care providers in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The dataset has 95 columns including provider names, contact information, website URLs, specialties, operating hours, and locations. This dataset is designed to facilitate easy discovery and analysis of health care services in the region. It includes a wide range of health care providers, such as physicians, specialists, dentists, therapists, clinics, and hospitals.
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This sample contains start ratings and 20,000 full review texts from 100 restaurant listings in Miami. This data set is good for social analytics and sentiment analysis.
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