About Bitnami by VMware
Bitnami by VMware provides 130+ open-source apps, updated with the latest versions, dependencies, and operating systems. Deploy these apps in the form of VMs, containers or Helm charts. Bitnami also offers Tanzu Application Catalog™ - an enterprise offering containing trusted continuously maintained application components that can be customized according to IT governance policies and delivered to a chosen repository. We also offer packaging services for any commercial/open-source software that would like to be published on AWS Marketplace. You can reach us at bitnami-info@groups.vmware.com.
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- Version 0.28.0-0-r07
- Sold by Bitnami by VMware
Up-to-date, customizable, and secure. Kubeseal is a CLI utility that uses asymmetric cryptography to encrypt secrets that only the Sealed Secrets controller can decrypt.
- Version 3.0.0-0-r14
- Sold by Bitnami by VMware
Up-to-date, customizable, and secure. Hyperledger Fabric Peer is a server that part of a network of peer nodes that make up a Fabric blockchain. Hyperledger Fabric is the open-source permissioned blockchain framework.
- Version 0.14.9-0-r10
- Sold by Bitnami by VMware
Up-to-date, customizable, and secure. MetalLB is a load-balancer that allows enabling "LoadBalancer" service addresses in any bare-metal Kubernetes installation. MetalLB speaker is in charge of IP advertisement.
- Version 1.23.2-0-r21
- Sold by Bitnami by VMware
Up-to-date, customizable, and secure. Kaniko is a tool that builds and pushes container images directly in userspace. This allows securely building container images in environments like a standard Kubernetes cluster.
- Version 0.34.0-0-r04
- Sold by Bitnami by VMware
Up-to-date, customizable, and secure. Image Reflector Controller is a component of Flux. Flux is a tool for keeping Kubernetes clusters in sync with sources of configuration.
- Version 2.12.1-0-r08
- Sold by Bitnami by VMware
Up-to-date, customizable, and secure. The Kubeapps APIs are a component of the Kubeapps application. They are a collection of APIs for creating user experiences to manage packaged Kubernetes applications.
- Version 3.0.0-0-r14
- Sold by Bitnami by VMware
Up-to-date, customizable, and secure. Hyperledger Fabric Orderer is responsible for transactions inside a Fabric blockchain. Hyperledger Fabric is the open-source permissioned blockchain framework.
- Version 1.85.0-0
- Sold by Bitnami by VMware
Up-to-date, customizable, and secure. Rust is a modern systems programming language focusing on safety, speed, and concurrency.
- Version 2.7.1-0-r04
- Sold by Bitnami by VMware
Up-to-date, customizable, and secure. Grafana Tempo Query is a component of the Bitnami Grafana Tempo chart. It works with the jaeger-query tool and the Jaeger tracing protocol.
- Version 2.12.1-0-r05
- Sold by Bitnami by VMware
Up-to-date, customizable, and secure. Kubeapps Asset Syncer is one of the main components of Kubeapps, a Web-based application deployment and management tool for Kubernetes clusters. It scans a chart repository and populates its metadata.
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